Episode 5

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Y/N's POV:

After making it through another day of⁠— let me rephrase⁠— night of school, I finally made it back to the Sakimaki's mansion. Walking like a zombie, I trudged my way past the front door and up the stairs to my room.

"Hey, Big Bitch-San~" Laito sang, walking up from behind.

Shoving my hand up to his face, I gave him the most dead look I could muster. 

No way am I dealing with this guy right now. Nope. Nah-uh.

Opening my door and slamming it close,  I didn't even bother changing out from my school uniform as I collapsed onto my bed. I snuggled my face into the fluffiness known as a pillow, feeling as if I have ascended to heaven. Dozing off, I suddenly heard a ding sound that can only come from no other place than my diary.

Denying it the attention it sought, my diary released another ding

Nope! Not today.







Angry, it released as blasting sound that shocked my heart right of my ribcage. Jerking up,  I fell off my bed and landed on the ground with a loud thud, groaning in pain.

Slowly getting up from the ground, I then stamped my way to the diary. Giving the inanimate object a look fo death, I considered burning it, but the diary released another ear-raping cry that had me surrendering in defeat. I grabbed the book from its place before impatiently opening it.

This better be worth it.

God: Y/N, you move now.


God: Y/N???

God: Y/N, I swear if you sleeping...

God: Y/N!!!!!!!!

I angrily scribbled back.


God: (O∆O)

Y/N: You have 10 seconds before I go burn this book

God: Wait no!

God: Go to the cemetery!

God: Something's happening there!

Y/N: ..... Don't wanna

God: I'll give you more lollipops

Y/N: You think you can just bribe me with candy?

God: Unlimited candy? Anything that you'd want?

Y/N: (O∆O)


God: ... Bring a rose with you as well

I closed the book and put back in the suitcase, clearly much happier than I was before. Skipping down the stairs, I went to the garden to borrow a rose from Subaru. However, I didn't see him there. Taking a single red rose, I left a lollipop in its place as payment. Then I started to make my way towards the cemetery.

As I near the eerie place, I saw two figures on the ground. Getting closer, I saw a head full of purple hair entangled together with blonde hair. Realizing what I'm seeing, I couldn't help but swear at the God above.

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