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I sat up, watching the purple-haired child next to me sleep peacefully. His face was calm and peaceful as he softly snoozed beside me. He looked like an angel.

Honestly, I don't think that I have ever seen Kanato asleep before. Even in the anime, he never slept. The boy got permanent dark, solid bags under his eyes that was definitely not healthy.

I patted his head as he whimpered, trying to snuggle closer to me in his sleep. Gently, I tried to pry his hand away from clenching my dress, but to no avail. His grip on my clothes was so tight that he might just rip a hole in it. Sighing, I let him do as he pleased but he refused to ever loosen his hold on me.

Covering his eyes with my good arm, golden wisps of light starts to fill the room as I used my magic. The orbs of lights surrounded me, gently lifting me up into a sitting position.

I pulled the blanket up to his face, obscuring his vision. The moment he moves, I'll know and the blanket will provide me enough time to hide my magic or whatever I'm doing. Seeing that he's still deeply asleep, I then looked up. The golden mana obeyed my command as it moves to the drawer by the nightstand. Unlocking the top drawer, it pulled a diary out before returning the floating book to my hand. I waved my hand, controlling the golden light to flipped open the diary for me. Inside the first page, golden words start to appear, summarizing my missions. I tapped on my second mission about the bug to expand it from a summary to show me more details about the mission. The requirement for catching the bug is proof. However, Just a couple of small actions that act slightly out of character is not prof. It could just be a result of my presence in the anime. It has to be hardcore, irrefutable evidence.

I sighed, feeling my workload increasing. I closed my diary just in time to feel a disturbance in the air. Swiveling my head to the left, I saw a strange dark blue light wriggling on the left wall of my room. It's writhed in squirmed, quickly expanding in size. I sent out a stream of light into the dark circle to investigate, but the blue circle just ended up swallowing it. Frowning, I cut off the connection and the circle continue to grow to a size of 7 feet in diameter. It stops to stabilize as I have my mana on hold, awaiting my command as golden light circles me.

There two types of DHs: a gate and a black hole.

This was a gate. In cases like this, the gate acts as a portal to something as it starts to teleports things to fill in this world. If I'm lucky, it'll just spew out a couple of trees and bushes. If not, it might just spit out a whole damn mountain.

My mind was on alert as I wait in suspense for any sign of movement. If something harmful comes out of the gate, I'll have to eliminate it immediately before any damage can be caused. My mana starts to transform as orbs of light start to change into sharp spikes. On my command, the spikes will immediately penetrate the target, turning it into a human porcupine.

Soon, a foot stepped out of the portal. The golden spikes surround me start to spins in place, gaining momentum as it waits to attack. The foot was followed by the body before revealing the face to be...





From Demon slayer????




Ah sh- We made eye contact.

The blond took a deep breath in.

While I prayed that he does not wake up the sleepy purple head next to me.

Please, for the love of God, don't yell-





God is a scam ('༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ')♡

Panicked, I whisper-yelled: "SHUT UUP!!!"


The blond was immediately knocked unconscious, lying dead at the feet of my bed. Thinking that the crisis was over, I released a breath of relief-


The bundle next to me starts to move as my heart starts to race out of my chest. Frantic, I directed the golden magic to drag the unconscious blond back to the DH gate while simultaneously covering the blue hole. The golden light lines up in front of the gate, quickly changing color to camouflage as my room.

The purple-haired boy starts to get up with his back to the wall with the disappearing DH as I nervously smiled. My eyes flitted between him and the DH as Kanato stared at me in a daze.

"Hey, Kanat-"

I landed on my back with Kanato on top of me. His hands immediately snaked around my throat as I looked up at him with wide eyes.

He was smiling.



Will update the second part later today or tomorrow. Just gonna leave it here for suspense hehe

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