_₵H̨₳̶P#͡s̕@d͞e͘ 6 (PàR͢₮̧ ̸5)͞

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"Hey, Big b*tch-chan,"

This time, it wasn't the purple-haired child who usually came to report. Instead, it was a man with red hair. As usual, he was wearing his trademark fedora.

"When are you going to wake up?" The man poked the girl's cheek, finding it really soft and smooth. As if finding a new addiction, the man kept poking her cheeks. However, the girl still didn't move.

"Bitch-chan, if you wake up, I promise we'll be able to have fun together~" He called, but only silence answered.

Laito found himself extremely bored these days. Sure there was the little b*tch-chan, but she wasn't as much fun. The little one was like a small animal, extremely obedient except for her mouth. Whenever he teases her, she only knew how to shiver and tremble in fear.

He liked Big b*tch-chan better. She is much more fun and feisty.

Unlike the other one, this one was more lively. She even sneaked up on him once and when he caught her, she even dared to trick him. She even dared to beat him up!
[ See Ep. 2 and Ep. 4 (Part 2 ) ]


This current look doesn't suit her at all.

She was too still.

Too quiet.

Not moving or talking. Like a corpse.

It was eerie.


"Big b*tch-chan, won't you wake up? Kanato is going to go crazy, you know?" The man poked her cheeks again. "What have you done to him, hm~?"

The girl's eyelashes fluttered, twitching slightly in response.

"Oya, oya, oya~" He crooned, pleasantly surprised. "Are you pleased to hear us going crazy for you?"

He watched her carefully to see if she'll move again, but she didn't move at all as if it was just all an illusion.

He chuckled amusingly, a sound that's deeply arousing to the ears. "Ne~ You're such a tease, aren't you Big b*tch-chan?"

"That's not nice." He licked his lips, climbing onto the bed and on top of the girl. Staring down at her, he watches how she shallowly breathes in and out. Her brows were furrowed as if in distress and her lips pressed together in a straight line.

He reached out to touch her lips, subconsciously wanting them to be put back to normal. His thumb lightly landed on her bottom lip, pulling it down and releasing it from the stressed position. It was barely freed before she tightly squeezed them back together. Her brows seemed to deepen even further in distaste, making her face looked all wrinkled up.

Laito didn't even notice how he smiled. His lips lifted ever so slightly and his eyes lit up a little seeing the cute actions of the girl. It was a sweet small smile, devoid of any lust or intention to seduce. Pure in its happiness and adoration.

For a second there, he forgot about his façade and his mask.

He pulled at her lips again, attempting to see if he can finally free it this time. But it remained firm in its stance, refusing to budge. If it was possible, the girl's brows deepen further in response as if annoyed with his actions.

For an unconscious person, she was strangely reactive.

He rubbed her lips, trying to relive its distress. His thumb lightly massaged the pink lips, rubbing in slow circles. Although it was chap from not drinking water, it was still somehow soft. And he found himself somehow surprised at that fact, as though the feelings of her lips were something out of his expectations.

Rough. Soft. Dry. Yet strangely pleasant.

He scrutinized her lips, his eyes narrowing slightly. It looked like lips and was shaped like lips. Two pink petals that were delicately drawn into the shape of a lip. It was chap as one might expect from a patient that hasn't drunk water in a long time. Even so, her lips remained pink, soft and puffy. Laito promptly concluded that this was probably the reason why he liked the sensation of her lips.

It still doesn't explain why he was so shocked that her lips felt this way.

Somehow during the course of his examination, Laito's light massage managed to get the girl to relax. Her brows were smoothed out as she slept and her lips were finally released from its tortured position. She slept with a peaceful expression, her lips slightly parted as she breathes in and out. Her breaths hit Laito's thumb, notifying him of the change in the girl.

She somehow got even cuter...

More curious about his newly founded revelation, Laito's attention soon turned back to her lips. He decidedly leaned in closer to examine her, not noticing how his face was practically only a few inches away.

Damn the distance, he was more curious about whether or not she put Vaseline on her lips or something.

However, it wasn't long until he noticed that her breathing pattern changed. It was no longer slow and even. Instead, it became quick before just abruptly stopping.

Bewildered, he looked up just in time to see a pair of eyes staring right back at him.




Laito froze.

Not knowing what to do with a now very awake girl, he held in his breath as he watches the girl dazedly peered around before finally focusing her beautiful orbs on him. Blinking, the girl seemed shocked to find a very enlarged face of Laito in front of her own.

She blinked again. Thrice. Four times.

Almost when he thought she would blink a fifth time, she brought up her left hand to rub her eyes before taking another good look at him.

Ah... she's blinking again. That's 7 times now.

Laito watched different emotions flitted across her eyes as she stared up at him in confusion. The two engaged in a silent staring contest that lasted a couple of seconds before Laito heard the girl sighed tiredly.

Then, she just decisively closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

"Eh?! B*tch-chan, that's mean!"


The man just be casually checking out a girl's lips while she's still unconscious. 

And can anyone guess what's happening with the title?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyways, thank you for reading and always being so patient with me! The last time that I checked Wattpad (which was in October, I know) this story somehow made it #2 in #DiabolikLovers. Woaaaahhhhhh! You guys are amazing!!!!

 Woaaaahhhhhh! You guys are amazing!!!!

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