Chapter 9

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*Serena's POV*

The entire car ride was filled with silence but not awkward silence.

Once we arrive to our destination I plan on going to sleep because I wasn't able to get many sleep on the flight. But as for now, I still couldn't believe I was in Ohio. For some reason this place looked a little familiar but I couldn't remember from where...


We pulled up to a nice large, tan colored home; it was a bit bigger than our home and it was really nice, but there is something really familiar about it.

"Come on honey." My mother interrupted me from my thoughts and shoved me out if the cab. The cab driver got off the car and removed our luggage from the trunk. Once done my mother paid the driver the amount we owed and he drove off.

My mom inhaled deeply,"Well we're here." She smiled.

"Yup." I smiled at her. I was thankful for my mom because she always puts her child before herself, which she deserves way more then what she has, and she works her ass off to keep us stable.

We approached the door and I rang the doorbell.

Ding! Ding!

I heard the doorbell and not long after I hear someone fiddling with the knob unlocking the door.

Suddenly the door clicked open and revealed a beautiful lady with light brown hair and a huge smile spread from ear to ear.

"Hey!" The beautiful lady squealed and hugged my mom and I both,"Oh my god! You're so big!" She grabbed a tight hold of my shoulders and pulled me in for anther hug.

"I know." I agreed because I didn't know the lady.

"And you," She turned to my mother,"You look great!" She also brought her into a hug,"Come in." She moved out of the way so we can enter.

The home is beautifully decorated and looks newly furnished.

This home is beautiful.

"Honey!" She called at someone upstairs. I remember my mom saying they had a son.

I wonder if he's cute...

"Coming!" I heard a faint voice come from upstairs.

"Let's get you something to eat yeah?" She offered. I was starving because I didn't like airplane food, it tasted like plastic, so I quickly nodded my head.

We enter the kitchen with the light colored granite counter tops and the white cabinets,"Wow! This is nice." My mom smiled running her hand over the counter.

I took a seat on the counter while my mother and her friend stand. They started to talk about what they should cook together when both of their heads snap up spotting someone or something that just entered the kitchen area.

My mom makes her way over to where she spotted something or someone but once I try to turn my head to see what it is the lady starts a conversation with me.

"What grade are you in?" She asks leaning over the counter with her elbows propped up for support.

"Im actually going to be a junior his upcoming school year." I informed her.

"Oh my goodness! It's been so long!" I hear my mom say to boy.

"What was your name by the way?" I asked the beautiful lady curiously.

"Kim. Kim Hall." She smiled.

Kim Hall...

"Do you remember my daughter Serena?" My mom said and when I turn around I freeze for a good couple seconds.

Their son is Kyle David Fucking Hall!

"Hey." He greeted and hugged me tightly.

"Hi." Is all I can process right now. I'm struggling to breathe a little bit. Actually a lot.

"Are you okay?" He asks with worry in his eyes.

"Yeah, I just beed to catch my breath first," I inhaled deeply and finally asked,"Kyle?"

"Yeah. Remember me?" He flashed his bright smile.

What is he talking about? "No." I say awkwardly.

"Kyle why don't you show her around to refresh her memory of this place. And show Serena her room." She shooed us off.

"Let's go?" He jerked his head toward the way of the direction of the stairs.

"Sure." I smile and grab my luggage.

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