Chapter 13

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*Serena's POV*

I walk into my room and shut the door behind me. What should I wear? I mean i'm going on a date with Kyle so what can be cute but not very girly because i'm not about that stuff.

I go to my luggage and unzip it since I haven't had time to actually start unpacking yet so I just left my clothes in the suitcase.

I unzipped my luggage and revealed my dark clothing. I dumped all my clothes on my bed and looked through them rapidly. My wardrobe consisted of mostly black and pure dark colors

What do I wear?!

I don't want anything fancy, I just want something comfortable but not like i just got out of bed.

I threw a small stack of clothes on the floor and something caught my eye. A red and black plaid flannel with lace on the backside. I took out a pair of ripped, black jeans that I bought from hot topic and pictured it in my head.

This would be cute. Also, a pair of black combat boots.

I looked at the time and saw it was already almost 6:30 so I ripped off my t-shirt from my body and threw on my flannel and quickly stripping of my pants to put on my ripped pair.

I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I need to do my make-up and hair. I haven't even had time to shower..

I run back in my room and grab my straightener out of my small carry-on and rushed back to the bathroom to plug it in.

Meanwhile, the straightener was heating up, I grabbed my small make-up bag and washed my face quickly to leave my face fresh and clean.

I decided to wing my eyeliner and add a dark shade of grey to my eyelid along with a thin coat of mascara.

When my make-up was done to perfection I let my hair out of the bun i had it in to wash my face. I brushed out my natural wavy hair and went over it with my heated flat iron. After about 15 to 20 minutes my hair was done to perfection and so was my make-up. With one last look in the mirror, I was satisfied with my appearance so I switched the bathroom light off and went into my bedroom.

As I was putting away my clothes that was thrown on the floor, I heard a light knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted.

The door clicked open and in came a handsomely dressed Kyle. Baseball tee, white jeans, black and grey vans, and to top it off a grey beanie that brings out his eyes.

"You ready?" He smirked as he noticed me staring at the wonderful sight in front of me.

"Yup." I answered. My cheeks turning a light shade of pink from embarrassment.


*Kyle's POV*

"Yup." She answered me while her cheeks turned a bright pink.

"Okay. Well let's go then." I smiled at the beautiful girl in front of me.

She just smiled and threw the last bit of clothes that was on the floor onto the bed and headed my direction. I move out of the way for her to pass.

We make our way outside and start walking to where our date will take place.

"Ready?" I looked at her and she nodded her head up and down,"Let's go."

I just really hope we don't see anyone from school there because I don't want her finding out about my past...

HELLO LOVELIES, THANKS FOR READING! WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF THE STORY SO FAR? DO YOU LIKE IT? LET ME KNOW:) BTW sorry for the short update. I have school and it's really hard for me to find time to write...ANYWAY, HOPE YOU LIKED IT!



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