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Okay so I'm bored and I planned to stay up as late as 3:00 am lol. Since it's the start of summer I thought I'd make the most out of it? I don't know. But do know this.. I'm running out of ideas to do. Please suggest!

~I hope you enjoy~

She stormed up from the quidditch pitch to her room. Making sure her steps thundered every way she went. Everyone parted the hallways like the Red Sea in the story of Moses. Her eyes were piercing and hypnotic. She had this deadly look on her face, as if to say 'Bitch come up to me and I'll beat the heck out of your petty little life!'

The students made way for her to pass, pushing each other to the side of the hall. Everyone understood the message. Get out of the way. No words needed to be said.

She reached the dungeons of the castle where the Slytherin common room lies ahead. The common room lies behind a concealed entrance
down in the dungeons. As you'll notice, it's window look out into the depths of the Hogwarts lake. You could often see the giant squid swooshing by and from time to time further interesting creatures. Okay fine, honestly speaking she felt like she was in a hangout that has the aura of a mysterious, underwater shipwreck. But instead of reflecting the color blue, it reflected the color green. Not much to Quinn's liking that's for sure.

Now come to think of it, she never really liked how dark and heavy the feeling is down here. She was more of the pastel kind of girl. Though her attitude was the complete opposite.

She was the cunning type. The bitchy, popular girl who would do anything to shield her reputation. And that was the problem. That was her problem.

She wanted to be a person who didn't care about that stuff. A person who didn't care about what people would say about her. A person who doesn't protect any kind of image.

But of course, life ain't perfect. She was sick of it that's for sure. Why can't she just disappear? She wanted to be invisible for once. How she wished for it these days.

She finally had reached her room, flopping down on the second bed to the right,her impact kinda messed up the duvet but not to much. And as she did so, she let out a heavy sigh, trying to let out all of the mixed emotions packed into her.

Quinn finally gave up in thinking about all of the
' problems ' she had in her life. So instead she just laid down under the covers, getting comfortable in every possible way she can. She twisted around for a bit until her eyes eventually
blinked close and she fell into a deep sleep. Drifting off to dream land.


(Quinn's POV)

I heard someone laugh. It was a little girl and a man. "Stop it daddy! Mommy help me! Wake up" the little girl giggled.
Last time I check I was still asleep on the bed but I guess not.
I woke up at a field full of exotic flowers. Hyacinths, tulips, orchids, calla lilies.. you name it. My face scrunched in confusion, tilting my head, trying to remember what just happened and where the hell was I. 

I shielded my eyes with the back of my hand, why was everything so bright?Just then someone spoke up "Your finally awake, you fell asleep" A man said from beside me, I flinched from the sudden sound. His voice was so soft and gentle, I wanted nothing more than to hear his voice again.

My head to turned to see who it was. And it was none other than Draco Malfoy himself. He looked like he was in his mid-20s. He was wearing a plain white shirt, some light-washed jeans and a pair of white Nike shoes. His platinum blonde hair was swept to side and he looked much more breathtaking compared than how he was at the age of 12. Taller, happier and more toned. He looked at me, a smile never leaving his face, his eyes reflected so much love I couldn't even put it into words.

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