Sage Green Cardigan.

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   "What was that?" I ask him, with a smirk, trying to make eye contact with him. It's honestly so cute how nervous he is right now. But i'm also getting a laugh out of the whole situation so

   "I was just asking out of curiosity if you were seeing anyone because i-"

   "I'm just teasing you." I say, smirking still. He pushes my arm. "Shut up." Is all he says before he decides to move from the seat behind me, to the seat right beside me.

   "I'm not seeing anyone at the moment. It's only been about three months since Cam and i broke up so i want to take things slow. Plus i'm still pretty hurt from the whole thing."

  He just nods in agreement.

  I can't get over how familiar he looks though. "Is there any chance I know you from somewhere? You just look so familiar and it's driving me crazy."

  Immediately after i said that it came to me.

   "FINN WOLFHARD!?!? YOU'RE THAT KID FROM STRANGER THINGS!!!" I scream while jumping up and down.

  The Karen conductor tells me to sit back in my seat with a dirty look. I sit back in my seat realizing i just made the biggest fool of myself.

  For some reason Finn finds it hilarious that i just got yelled at.

   "Shut up."

  For the next hour, (after i got over fan girling over Finn, and finally settled down) we spent the train ride laughing, sharing stories, and getting to know each other better.

  Finn and I surprisingly have a lot in common. Him and I are both into Pink Floyd. And we both hate Cheetos Puffs, Cheetos Crunchy are obviously superior.

  I had to go to the bathroom and i had my cardigan on my lap. I asked him if he could watch my stuff and handed it to him. He said yes and I went off.

  By the time I came back, I noticed he was cuddling my cardigan and starring out the window. He looked so...content. I didn't wanna bother him but I mean I kind of had to.

  After I sat back down we immediately went back to our conversation.

  We talk about life, death, marriage. He looks out the window, and so do I. We see his stop, Vienna.

   "You get off here, no?"

  "Yeah, what a drag. I wish I met you earlier, you know? I really like talking to you." He starts to smile.

   "Yeah me too. It was really nice talking to you." I begin to chuckle, and so does he. We stare at each other for a minute in silence before the train stops.

  The train stops and he collects his things and says goodbye to me. I watch as he walks off the train. I then pick back up my book and open it up, I begin to continue reading where I left off.

  Just then I see him walking back towards me. I give him a smile.

  He's holding my sage green cardigan that he was holding for me earlier. "I almost forgot. You left this with me."

   "Oh! I totally forgot you still had that. Thanks so much." He handed me my cardigan and we kind of just sat there for a moment staring into each other's eyes.

   "Well you should probably get going. You're going to miss your stop." I say, looking pretty sad.

  "Listen, I have an insane idea, but if i don't ask you this, it's just gonna haunt me for the rest of my life." He says looking excited. He places his stuff back down on his seat.

  "What?" I say returning his excitement.

   "Um...I wanna keep talking to you. you know? I have no idea what your situation is but I feel like we have a connection, right?"

   "Yeah, me too."

  "Alright great, so listen here's the deal. You should get off this train here with me in Vienna and come check out the town."

   "What?" I say while laughing. "What would we even do?"

   "I don't know. All I know is that i have to catch a plane back to Vancouver tomorrow morning at 9:30, and I don't really have enough money to stay at a hotel, so I was just gonna walk around, and it'd be a lot more fun if you came with me. And if I turn out to be some kind of psycho, you just get on the next train."

  I just sit there, laughing at how passionate he sounds about this plan.

  "Come on! Think of it this way. One day you're gonna be married, but you're not gonna be too happy, and you're gonna blame your husband. And you're gonna start to think about all those guys who you met in your life, and what might have happened if you picked up with one of them...well i'm one of those guys, that's me!"

  I'm still laughing.

   "Think of it as time travel, from then, to now. And you'd be doing a big favour for your future husband and yourself. So you'll see that you didn't really miss out on anything!"

  He finished and stared at me with a huge smile to see my response.

  After about a minute or so of just smiling at him, I finally answer.

   "Let me get my bags."

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