2:14 am.

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   After spending about 4 hours at the amusement park, Finn told me he was getting kind of tired, and I agreed with him.

   We decided to stop by a café and get some caffeine in our systems.

   We then set off on our coffee shop adventure, trying to find the nearest coffee shop. It didn't take very long, considering there was a café about 10 minutes away.

   We got seated outdoors, on the patio, because it was a gorgeous night. Finn ordered a french vanilla latte, and I obviously ordered a vanilla iced coffee. We also got croissants, because why not.

   The patio was empty almost. Just a few people were here, on the patio of the café. But nobody was inside the café, only the people who worked there. Although, the temperature hadn't changed, I got use to it. Plus, Finn had his arm around me again.

     There was an old couple over to my right, who were getting their palms read.

   "Ooh! I wanna get my palm read." Finn says practically begging me.

   "Go right ahead, nobody's stopping you." I say, smirking of course.

   "Buttt I want us to do it together, Y/n! It'll be so much fun! Remember when you forced me to dance? Now you owe me this."

   Although, I personally think palm reading is the biggest scam of the century, I give in. But only because of the look on his face. He looks like a kid on Christmas morning.


   "Really? I actually didn't think you'd give in haha."

   "Don't make me change my mind, Wolfhard."

   "Wouldn't dream of it, Y/l/n."

   The palm reader approaches us, and we ask how much it is for a palm reading.


   "Okay sure." Finn says, still with a huge grin on his face. He seriously doesn't see that 50 bucks is a huge rip off.

   The lady grabs Finns hand, and begins.

   "Hmmm. I can see that you are in an unfamiliar place, on vacation. I can see that you two don't know each other. Oh, hm. I can also see that something that you have been dreaming of for a while will soon come true."

   "What? That's so cool how did you know all of that?" Finn says handing her a 50. Palm reading is a bunch of bs, but how did she actually know all that?

   She makes her way to me, grabbing my hand like she did Finns. "Hm. Well then. I can see you are doubtful of my insight. I can also see that you will soon be delighted with something that you have also been hoping for, but it isn't something you would expect. Okay, 50 please."

   Seriously? What a rip off, at least Finns reading was accurate. I handed her the 50 and before I knew it, she was off.

   "See Y/n, that was fun. Wasn't it?

   "I guess."

   "What's the matter?"

   "Your palm reading was so much cooler than mine!"

   "Haha! That's what you get for being stubborn!"

   "Shut up."

   Just then Finn got a call. He glanced at his phone, nervously. He looked back at me, and then back at the phone.

   "Oh shit..um Y/n, could you give me a minute...?

   "Yeah, of course." I say, smiling.

   Finn quickly gets up and walks about 3 meters until he presses accept.


     I don't really hear much from the conversation, but it looked like Finn was upset at the person on the other line.

   "Leave me alone!" He said pretty loud before ending the call and walking back towards our table. He looked so upset, and I didn't want to make matters worse.

   "Is...everything alright?"

   "No, yeah. Everything is great." He says, clearly forcing a smile.

   "Finn, you know you can talk to me if you needed to, right? I'm here for you."

   "Y/n, nothing's wrong. I'm good. Want to get going?" He glances at his watch. "It's 3am."

   "Yeah, let's go." I say smiling. Clearly he wasn't okay. I just wish he would tell me the truth. Its not like he owes me anything, but I really like him. It just hurts that he's all closed off.

   We have been walking for about 20 minutes, when Finns phone starts going off. This time he doesn't hesitate to answer.

   "Lucy, I have told you a million times. Call me again and i'm going to take legal action."


   While he's on the phone, we are still walking. I pretend to be uninterested, but I am desperate to know who this "Lucy" is.

   "No. No, you don't. Stop messaging me, stop messaging my friends. Stop finding new ways to bother us!....You what?.....Are you fucking kidding me, Lucy?" He all of a sudden glances at me, like he was worried that i could hear what she was saying.

   I'm not sure what happened but he was no longer on call with Lucy. We walked about 2 minutes before he broke the silence.

   "Listen, Y/n..."


   "I'm gonna sound crazy, but any minute now some psychotic girl is going to approach us and I swear that.."

   Before Finn could finish his sentence, a 5'7  blonde, with dark green eyes was standing directly in front of us.

   "Finn..." She spoke.

Before Sunrise: Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now