Chapter 4: The Dream Part 2

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Sanji's POV -

This time when I opened my eyes I was blinded by a light, I closed my eyes and then opened them to see a forest.

In front of me was the thick and dense forest. "Weird..." I walk forward into the woods, it was thick enough that it was dark for the most part, but not so dark that I couldn't see.

As I venture deeper it becomes increasingly difficult to move, the roots and terrain got larger. I eventually made it out and to a clearing.

In this clearing stood a figure a top a hill, making my way closer I notice a defining feature that I couldn't mistake for anything else.

"Zoro! Huh..." I call out his name, this time he turned around like he heard me, but as he jogged over to me he seemed more frantic.

Thank what we is wholly that he didn't have any weapons in hand.

As he stood in front of me he grabbed hold of both my shoulders and started speaking, but like last time I couldn't hear him. "I can't hear you...what're you saying?..." I think out loud.

"Can't stay long....too" Occasional words would come out of his mouth, it honestly surprised me, but his words seemed to be like a whisper in my ears.

I quickly covered my ears, it felt weird. His lips are still moving like he was talking with someone, when he stopped he looked at me dead in the eyes with a very serious expression.

His eyes went black and started dripping blood, but it also came out of his mouth this time and not his nose.

As I backed up slowly a slash was made on his chest, with that now made it looked like an 'X' on his chest. It startled me enough to make me jump back a little.

With one quickly motion he pointed at me and opened his mouth unnaturally and let out this ear piercing noise.

I collapsed, but once I hit the ground my vision went black and I lost consciousness.

This time I was awoken by Luffy shaking me calling out my name. I opened my eyes to see him and the others staring at me.

"What is it? Right, sorry for waking you......." I start, but something makes me stop mid sentence.

I turned to Luffy who had sat next to me, I looked at his eyes.......his eyes were black and bleeding. Soon enough everyone had surrounded me all black eyed and bleeding.

"What's-what's going on?..." I ask weary backing myself up a little.

"Sanji." Luffy spoke, I looked towards him cautiously.

"It's time to wake up now." He stated with the biggest grin I've ever seen someone make.

I opened my eyes and shoot up from bed. I felt a hand around my arm, I look over to see Luffy wide eyed staring at me like he just seen a ghost.

I jumped, I must've scared Luffy cause he jumped a little to.

"Sanji, are you awake?" Chopper asked teary eyed tugging on my shirt.

I nod. "What did I...say?..." I ask kinda spacey and staring off.

"You started talking about this large forest or a tree." Usopp started.

"Then you started talking about Zoro-san again." Brook spoke repositioning himself.

"That's when we heard you screaming." Nami spoke, I turned around surprised.

"When we entered the room you were talking about blood being everywhere and escaping." Robin spoke smiling.

'Creepy'. I thought.

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