The Evil (original version of The Controlling)

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AN: Told you I'd bring the original version.

Here's a quick little bit of background history. It was originally ironically enough, a rewrite of The Stone, or its previous title "The Evil". This rewrite was unfinished, as I "didn't want to waste paper" as quoted in the original version, which was in a Drawing Journal of mine from 6th grade.

Now do be warned, this is an old draft, so obviously there will be writing errors and grammar mistakes. PLEASE DO NOT comment on these errors as present errors, this is old.

With that said, enjoy.

The Amazing World of Gumball story: The Evil

It was a peaceful day in Elmore. Everyone was outside, playing videogames. It was nice. But, all except Gumball was enjoying it.

Instead, he had to finish an essay. All he had was 'essay'.

Then Darwin got out of his fish bowl. He yawned. "Good morning!" He exclaimed.

"Whatever." Gumball muttered.

"Still working?" Darwin asked.

"Yes. It's SOOO boring!" Gumball said.

"Well, me and Anais were going to get some ice cream. Do you wanna come?" Darwin asked.

"Uh what's today?" Gumball asked.

"Guys! You're gonna miss the bus!" Anais yelled.

They hurried to the bus.

Meanwhile, in the depths of some place, there was red and black everywhere.

"When are we going?" Zach said.

"When we're going. Besides, why do YOU want to go? Nobody likes you." Dark Gumball said.

"That's a point, but I can help you." Zach said.

"How?" Jealousy Gumball asked.

"I can do a monologue thing to him." Zach said.

Dark Gumball rolled his eyes.

"You can't even make a butterfly listen to your monologue." Jealousy Gumball said.

"Really?! Well you're just jealous!" Zach screamed.

"Stop! Both of you! We need a plan to destroy Gumball." Dark Gumball said.

"You got one point, but HOW?" Zach said.

"Yeah." Jealousy Gumball said.

"Ok, I need to ruin his life." Dark Gumball said.

"Ok, there's a plan, but how do we do that? We're stuck here!" Zach said.

"Easy as pie." Dark Gumball said. He added, "We control him."

It was recess. Gumball kicked a stone.

"Dude, kicking stones or getting good luck won't help you get a good score on that essay." Darwin said the two millionth time.

"I can try."

Then the bell rang. "Gulp." Gumball said.

Zach looked at the screen.

"Are you ready?" Dark Gumball said.

"Yep." Zach said.

Then it happened, with the press of a button. Gumball felt weird.

"Dude?" Gumball asked.

"What?" Darwin asked.

"Uh, when's class?"

"In 20 minutes."

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