Normal.. Day?..

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It was another peaceful day in Elmore.

Well, almost.

Gumball was in his bedroom, hurridly scribbling answers on a paper, which was his homework. Hearing the noise, Darwin turned towards his brother with a confused look. "I thought you finished that." 

The blue cat groaned, and miserably answered. "I was supposed to.. But I ended up watching Stream-It last night instead.." 

"So you didn't work on it?" "Basically.. Yeah.." Darwin sighed with disappointment. "Well how much did you do so far?" 

Gumball stopped scribbling and examined his work. "Like.. Half of the front.." He then started to panic. "I'm so screwed! Mom said if I didn't do my homework again, she would ground me! And I'm supposed to go with Penny to see a movie Saturday! I can't just cancel it!"

"Gumball calm down, I'm sure you'll be fine." "Can I just copy yours?" Darwin gave him that look that said 'Really?', which obviously meant no. Gumball sighed, and went back to scribbling down answers.

"Guys the bus is here! Hurry up!" Anais shouted up the stairs. 

"I'm so dead.." Gumball picked up his homework, which still wasn't finished, and put it away into his backpack. 

The two then came downstairs, and followed their sister to the bus. 

"I heard your little delema." Anais said, turning to face Gumball. "Is that even finished?" "No.." He answered with a miserable sigh. 

"You have my pity my dear brother. But seriously, you should get your work done on time." Anais sighed. "Just give it to me." She took his homework, along with a pencil, and scribbled in the rest. "There. It should get at least a B or C." 

"Thanks Anais.." Gumball was handed his homework back, and he stuck it into his bag again. "Don't mention it." She replied.

The three went onto the bus, greeted by Rocky, and sat down in their seats.


Meanwhile, in the depths of Gumball's mind, there was a cage, marked with a sign that read 'Please do not release these they will destroy stuff'.

In the cage, sat two versions of Gumball. There was Zach, and Jealousy Gumball, each being versions that were previously defeated by the blue cat for being either A: Corrupting, or B: Evil. They were sitting in the cell, bored out of their minds. These versions weren't entirely destroyed, only locked up here in this single prison where they could never escape.

"Ughh.. Zach is so bored.." Zach uttered, leaning against the cage bars. "You said that the first thirty freaking times already!" Jealousy Gumball responded with anger and annoyance. He was quite frankly tired of sharing this cell with the other version.

"Well sorry, but Zach can't help his feelings.. Zach feels bored.." "Do you say anything outside of third person?!" "Zach is offended by that!"

The two versions scowled at each other, before looking away at a different direction, not wanting to face one another. After a while, they sighed loudly.

"What's the point?.. I'm basically stuck here with you.." Jealousy Gumball muttered. "Zach wishes we were out of here. Then Zach wouldn't have to deal with you." "WILL YOU QUIT THAT?!"

"I think that's enough you two." 

Hearing a different voice, Zach and Jealousy Gumball looked up and peered through the cage. "Who's there?" Jealousy Gumball questioned, narrowing his green eyes. 

The figure chuckled, before stepping out to reveal himself. He looked to be another different version of Gumball, but with a very dark shade of fur, complete with a different colored mouth. He also wore a long black.. Shirt?.. That reached down to his feet. Finally, a tinfoil looking helmet sat atop his head. 

"Um.. Who are you?.." Zach questioned as well. 

"Allow me to introduce myself. I go by Dark Gumball, creation of the tinfoil helmet and whatever was at the garbage crusher from the dump that fool Gumball put the helmet in." The figure, now known as Dark Gumball, explained. 

"How come you aren't in here with us?" Jealousy Gumball asked, looking a little ticked off. 

"Because I didn't control Gumball like you. Heck, he doesn't even know I exist." Dark Gumball paced around the small area back and forth, a smile appearing on his face. "Which is why I've began a brilliant plan.. That destroys him and his life." 

"Well good luck with that." Zach cut in. "The loser usually defeats whatever controls him." 

"Not this time he won't. Gumball may be one to try and defeat a villain, but he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer." Dark Gumball then faced the two versions in front of him with a smile. "The plan will be one that will succeed. But I'll need some help with it. Care to join me?"

"Zach believes you, but Zach doesn't trust you." Zach answered, Jealousy Gumball nodding in agreement. "You don't trust me? Understandable. But I'll make you an offer you won't refuse." The two versions looked at him intrigued. 

"If you help me destroy Gumball, I'll give you the chance to escape this place. Once my plan concludes, you can be freed out of the idiot's mind for good." 

"For good? As in have our own bodies?" Jealousy Gumball inquired. "Indeed." Dark Gumball responded. "Your own body, entity, and spirit." 

"Zach will help you." Zach said, agreeing to the offer. Hesitant, Jealousy Gumball did as well. "Okay. But you better keep to your promise." 

"It's a deal." Dark Gumball agreed. The dark cat then used his powers to open the cage, letting Zach and Jealousy Gumball out. "Follow me. We'll have to head over to the main center, aka his mind." He said, the two versions close behind him, as they began their way to the mind.

Dark Gumball led the way, an evil smile on his face.

Let the fun begin..


Gumball and his siblings finally arrived at school, boarding off the bus with the other students. "Well, see you later." The blue cat went off to his locker, Darwin and Anais going their separate ways as well. 

However, they wouldn't know about what today would bring...

End of chapter one. :)

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