The controlling begins..

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"So.. Are we there yet?" 

Dark Gumball sighed, clearly annoyed. "No Jealousy G., not yet."

"But how?!" Jealousy Gumball looked baffled, since they had been walking for a long time now. "It's like we've been walking for centuries!" 

"Yeah," Zach added. "Zach's feet are starting to hurt."

"We get there, when we get there." Dark Gumball answered, with an angry tone. After a while, the three stopped to take a break, much to Zach and J.G.'s relief. 

"There. Rest up. We've got five minutes, and then we'll be back out." Dark Gumball sat down with them, examining his claws, kinda like a rich mean girl.

"So um.. Guys?"

Dark Gumball and Jealousy Gumball looked over at Zach with confusion. "What?"

"Zach was thinking.. And.. Uh.. Can Zach have a major role in this plan?"

"Major role?" Dark Gumball questioned, raising an eyebrow. 

"Uh huh. Like.. A monologue? To bring that loser Gumball's spirits down? Make him feel weak?" 

"Pfft." Jealousy Gumball snickered, amused by this. "You can't even make a butterfly feel weak. How is that idea gonna work anyway? It'll be a clear giveaway that we're trying to ruin him!" 

"Oh really? Well Zach thinks that it would be a good idea!" Zach answered with anger.

"Stop it you two!" Dark Gumball cut in angrily. "Break time's over." He then looked at Zach. "As for you, fine. Just don't screw the plan up, or you're going in the cage."

"Zach knows."


The three then continued on their way, now closer to Gumball's main mind.


~At school~

Gumball and Darwin were sitting at a bench, mostly talking to pass the time.

"If there was a bear about to maul you in an airplane that's about to catch fire and land in a volcano, what would you do?" Gumball asked, kicking a nearby stone.

"Well, I guess I'd try and get out of the plane." Darwin replied. 

"But what about the bear?"

"Why are you asking me this anyway?" Darwin questioned, looking quite confused. "It's not like we'll actually be in that situation one day."

"Hey don't jinx it!" Gumball scolded. "If you say it won't happen, it's obviously going to happen!"

"Okay, fair point. But it IS kind of useless talking about it."

Before Gumball could make a comeback, he felt a sudden pain in his head, which hurt pretty bad. Mostly like a migraine, but worse. 

"Gumball, are you okay?.." Darwin asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." The blue cat answered, ignoring the pain. "It's just some weird headache."


~Back in the mind~

DG, Zach, and JG, arrived at the main control center of Gumball's mind. There was a large control panel with a bunch of buttons, but looked fairly like a depressing gray color.

"Why is it so.. Depressing in here?.." Jealousy Gumball looked around at the surroundings, a confused expression on his face. 

Dark Gumball shrugged. "I guess it's to avoid copyright stuff, since some mouse already did that colorful mind idea already." 

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