Happy Birthday, Cassie! (Chapter 3)

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There were streamers in the air as my family was rejoicing in party hats.

My sister though seemed to be very unhappy towards Mum and Dad trying to make me happy because she didn't like the idea of me being happy; she liked to see me annoyed, upset and cranky because of the fact she wanted to be the only one happy.

So I got up and remembered

"I have school today!" I rolled my eyes to the floor in annoyment "so much for getting some rest"

"PANCAKES !" my Mum screamed at me.


I raced downstairs to see a huge stack of pancakes, the Maple syrup dripping down the stack there was

at least 12 of them.

Amy started scoffing her pancakes when she was done she moved on to mine and attempted to eat them.

"Hey!" I yelled

"What, Cassie!?" Amy said in a very sassy tone,

"Those are MY pancakes!" I said strongly.

"It's 8:00, 15 minutes until the bus is here we need to hurry!" I screamed.

Everybody packed their bags in a rush and flew out the door.

When we got on the bus, everyone looked different. It was queer; I had no clue what was going on.

"Cassie!" Maya yelled

"There's a spot for you here!"

I walked over to her and sat down, at least Maya didn't look different.

"Why does everybody look different?" I asked

"It's the Musical Auditions tonight!"


"YES really"

I went to my phone and called Mum and asked her to order some tickets for us to audition. I tried to convince her to make Amy sit at home with a babysitter but of course, she said N to the O, NO, like always.

So we both had to go but she said I could sit with my friends so when I was at school I told Maya about the recent thing I posted on Instagram, we talked about Harry Potter...

Maya also drew a picture of Harry Potter but yeah it wasn't the best... Her sister Annabelle-Jade scribbled all over it but without that, it would've been amazing!

When it was 7:30 we got our chicken boxes that everybody had been waiting for.... I thought they would be amazing but they were disgusting. It was like the chicken hadn't even been cooked and half of it wasn't even chicken, well I don't think so.

It was a . . .

Bun with chicken, lettuce, mustard, pickle and onion.

Potato with gravy on top, and lemonade. The only good part was the lemonade.

Once it was my turn to audition I went up on stage and grabbed the ribbon that I was given by Maya. I was happy I had it because if I didn't I don't think I would've done as good as I did. I did the scene and went off stage.

Maya and I threw out our food straight away and drank our lemonade and ate our lollies. Oh, and FYI, milk bottles and milkshake chews are the best. I thought about my brother Noah and how he was in exam week; he hates studying and we haven't seen him come out of his room much lately. I will ask today when I get back from the musical auditions today and realize he could be there but I'm not so sure. I put on my headphones and started listening to Billie Eilish just before the chorus of bad guy by Billie Eilish, it started to glitch and said "Error-e-e-e-rrr-rrr break down," it continued repeatedly. I panicked

"What do I do!!!!!" I continued panicking and I ran to an adult I knew.

I raced to where mum was sitting and told her. She didn't know so she called the IT company on Ruthven street,

When they got here the guy who came to service my headphones was the same guy who was our local postman. I looked at him and then thought for a second.

I decided to ignore him, I didn't say anything. I thought it was just a coincidence that he did both jobs, some people do multiple jobs anyway. 

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