ten: "everything"

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Tap! Tap! Tap!

Nari watches as the glass of their balcony keeps getting knocked at by pebbles.

She sighs.


Her eyes widen and she whips the sliding door open. "Did you just throw a fuxking brick on the glass??"

Jaemin who's holding another brick from below, quickly hides it behind his back- grinning. "Sorry~ I didn't mean for it to actually hit."

"Really? That's your excuse?"

"It was only half a brick!" Jaemin tries to reason but Nari only gives a scowl.
"Besides, it's bulletproof glass."

Now this, perks her attention. "How do you know?"

Jaemin smiles, smug. "I noticed it when I first came here."

"Trespassed but, whatever. I'm surprised you know. Not many can tell," Nari points out.

Nana rakes his hair back and stands in a slanted pose that exudes confidence and vanity.
"Well, what can I say? Jeno taught us how but, it was my patience and resilience that made me knowledgeable."

Jeno? Nari repeats in her head.

Iseul was the one who taught them about the bulletproof glass and during the fight last time, Jeno was the one left standing- whether it's because he managed to fight her off or because she decided to spare him.

Point is, Jeno and Iseul tend to have similarities in ways she can't ignore.

"By the way, what happened to the tree here? I can't go up without it," Jaemin gestures to the spot that's now left with a tree stump.

The girl rests her elbows on the stone banister of the balcony. "I cut it off so a certain madman couldn't climb it up."

Jaemin gasps and smacks his chest in disbelief. "Madman? Me??"

"Noooo, of course not~ Why? Are you offended?" Nari says sarcastically.

The male frowns at her haughtiness but then, is unable to resist the stretch of his lips into a smirk.
"You really are something."

"Well, obviously. I wouldn't be anything if I was nothing," she says with a cross of her arms.

Jaemin arches a brow- copying her and folding his arms. "And I thought you knew everything."

She furrows. "What?"

"You won't ever be nothing," Jaemin claims and his arrogant smirk turns into a soft, warm grin. "Because you'll always be everything to me."

His cheesy line somehow, causes a hop of her heart and she stares at his gentle mien- miffed so suddenly.

"Very original. You should go home now. I need to sleep," she shoos him away with a look of disgust and he pouts.

"Aww, can't spare some space on your bed?"



He chuckles at her cold rejection and swivels- returning home feeling victorious and content.

Nari inhales and exhales deeply to calm her racing heart and turns the corner only to make it burst.
"Iseul! What are you doing still awake?"

"I heard someone else was while I left to get water. A friend came to visit?" Iseul asks Nari about Jaemin and the other girl nods slowly.

There's no use lying since Iseul knows about it already.

"Oh," Iseul only sounds and smiles. "Didn't know you guys were close."

"We aren't. He likes to trespass," Nari denies.

The other gives her an ambiguous smile. "And you let him."


"You opened the door and you carry no weapon- no gun, no tazer, nothing," the younger points out with lips upturned, cognizant. "Are you sure you're not close? Or maybe, you want to get close?"

Nari gapes slightly at the realization. As always, Iseul is keen and she waves before she leaves.

"Goodnight, Nari."

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