twenty: "love?"

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  "So, Xander and Athena are your 'names' there?" Renjun asks and Iseul nods.

  "We weren't addressed by our real names but, we were lucky to at least have a name. Those who weren't apart of the 'killing machine' division were called using numbers," Iseul tells.

  "Wow, that's rough. Imagine being called zero," Donghyuck jokes and the rest deadpan at his dark humour.

  Jeno shakes his head. "The point is, it wasn't a safe place and although, we escaped it, it's still not a guarantee that we are safe now."

  Iseul agrees. "That's why we keep moving and somehow ended up here with you guys. It's amazing if you think about it. If we never moved here, I never would have known Xander is Jeno. By the way, when did you know that it was me?"

  "I had my suspicions from the beginning but I was confident when you started to go to school with us. Your mannerisms and tastes are just like how I remember them," Jeno confesses and their gazes bore into one another, like to fill up the void from missing each other.

  Chenle gags. "Ew, get a room."

  "Alright," Jeno responds without hesitation and pulls Iseul up who stares wide-eyed at him.
  "Wait, what? Jenoㅡ"

  "Oh, would you look at that! The mighty Iseul is all flustered!" Hyuck teases and the rest howl to participate.

  Jeno chuckles and looks down at Iseul whose cheeks are tinged with red and he holds her face. "See? Exactly like how I remember."

  "Alright! I'm hungry! Anyone else?" Mark tries to pull himself away from the mushy, sweet atmosphere. "Great! Renjun, Jaemin, help me in the kitchen, please."

  He then, walks away with the said two despite no one replying anything and the rest, even Aera and Nari, naturally spread.

  Jeno looks back at Iseul whose rosy face is turned away, looking anywhere but him and he gently turns it towards him- tracing her jaw with his finger before lifting it up by her chin.
"Years of wondering where you went when you're already so clear in front of me. I'm sorry for not recognizing you sooner."

  Iseul's eyes widen subtly and heart skips a beat when his lips press on her forehead into a lingering kiss.
"It should be me to apologize. I didn't know it was you at all. I was only suspicious- the thought that you might actually be Xander felt a bit...impossible."

  "It's okay if you don't recognise me. Because, I'll always recognise you and I'll make it my main mission to make sure you'll know who I am," Jeno claims confidently.

  Iseul chuckles. "What if I lost my memory about you?"

  "I'll make you remember again."

  "What if I hate you?" She interrogates with a brow raised and he scoffs at her futile attempts to make him fail.

  Jeno laces their fingers together and lifts their clasped hands to plant a kiss on her knuckles.
"Then, I'll make you fall in love with me. Over and over again."

  "Love?" Iseul echoes, taken aback by his brave declaration of making her fall in love. Does she love him? Does he love her?

  "Yes," he responds without pause and bores his gaze into hers unwaveringly, genuine and passionate. "Love, Iseul. I'll make you love me- no matter how long it takes, whatever it takes."

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