eight: "story"

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  A few days of absence and treatment after.

  "Goodnight," Nari says to Iseul who's getting drowsy from the medication and closes her tall door.

  The older then, heads for their spiral staircase to head downstairs- wanting to finish her show before she hits the sack.

  But a sudden thud from the balcony distracts and she halts in her tracks- turning to it with suspicion.

  Her hand readily hovers around the gun placed in her belt and cautiously approaches the sliding, glass doors.


  The platinum curtains adorned with thin, silver threads are aggressively drawn open by the girl but the moment she sees the intruder, her expression turns sour.

  Jaemin brightly waves from outside as he leans against their balcony's stone barriers.

  "What are you doing here?" She asks and Jaemin furrows, unable to hear clearly because of the glass between them but she's still hesitant to let down her guard.

  Seeing her tense form, he twirls to show that he's completely unarmed and mouths that he's alone.

  Nari scrutinizes him for a few more seconds before unlocking the door and sliding it open- still, she doesn't permit him to enter.

  "I asked, what are you doing here? And how'd you know where we live?" She interrogates and steps outside so the other two residents wouldn't hear.

  "School's students' records. Besides, weren't you the one who said you wanted to fuxk me?" He jokes and swiftly pins her against the door- lifting her chin to his face and gazing down with entice swirling in his eyes.
"Well, I'm here. So, let's get to it."

  His fervour attitude derides her and she immediately shoves him away.
"You come to my house, uninvited, and decide to assault me?"

  Jaemin raises his arms in surrender when she threateningly points her pistol to his groin. "Calm down. I was just flirting, darling. Is this how you normally treat your guests?"

  "You kidnapped my sisters and you expect me to host you??" She growls angrily.

  "Well, Iseul crushed us to bits and pieces and you don't see me complaining," Jaemin argues, frowning.

  "You guys started it! Her hand's all sliced up by your fuxking whip!"

  "Alright!" He stops her from exploding and sighs, hesitant from shame- raking his ebony hair back with his irritatingly pretty fingers that are adorned with silver rings.

  Nari stares at them as they glint under the moonlight, captivated, until he speaks.

  "I came here to apologize. We shouldn't have done that to them," he admits and looks straight into her eyes. "I'm sorry for it."

  She senses the guilt on his mien and notices the constant, nervous taps of his foot before looking back up at him. "Why did you even do it in the first place?"

  His stare meets hers once again and the sudden contact makes his heart leap.

  "It was Jeno's idea."

  "Is he your leader or something?"


  "Then, why listen to him?" The girl queries, unable to comprehend their rash and unwise decision.

  Now, they're both side by side with elbows resting on the balcony gate- staring at the endless night view that stretches to the brightly lit city.

  "Let's just say we respect him. He's quiet and at times, ruthless- we all are actually but, him the most," Jaemin says with a bittersweet chuckle. "But he has his story."

  He faces the girl and is taken aback by her attentiveness towards him. Just a few days prior, they were like cats and dogs but now that wall between them begins to break.

  He suddenly, stretches and sighs in satisfaction before changing his pose to leaning his hip against the gate with arms behind his head. "Now, enough about my team. How's little miss beastie? Considering how we're mostly better, she must be too."

  "Yeah, she's doing great. She heals fast," Nari answers with a faint smile.

  Jaemin's lips curve upwards. "Is that so? Good for her. How did she become so strong, anyways?"

  The moment he asks that question, her heart drops and her countenance stiffens.

  "That... she also, has her story. You should go now before anyone finds out," Nari curtly replies and turns to the door.

  "Aww, I don't get a goodnight kiss?" He pouts and she glares.

  "Leave," she urges strictly. "And don't even think about telling the others where we live."

  Jaemin bobs his head and starts to climb over the balcony. "Don't worry. This will be our little secret."

  Nari scowls at his flirty wink and he puts his finger to his lips, doing the 'shush' gesture before disappearing into the night.

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