Chapter 2

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I love to get feedback, so I answer to comments everytime. I'm really greatful to all readers. Since this is my second story, I hope I kinda improved my writing. Still I'm looking at the views everyday, freaking out on how many people have read my story and actually like it.



I entered the room with the others. I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me. I tried to look at the person staring at me without being obvious. It was a really handsome man, his face was not the friendly kind, it had a hard shape and it didn't seem like he smiles a lot but still he was really handsome.

The weird thing was that he was staring at me shamelessly, even when I looked at him really obvious, he wouldn't stop it was like it addicted him even more and I could feel that something about me confused him.

The most intense moment was when our eyes met, I could see a change in his face, but I couldn't figure out why.

He then introduced himself as Max, the CEO. The CEO really came for this matter, I mean this is one of the biggest companies in Thailand.

Max went on describing what exactly he had in mind for the project. He then showed us a room where we could work for the time being, it was really nice and friendly, he couldn't be all that cold, if he designed this room, could he?

One week has passed since we started working on the project, Max kept distance but still was there all the time. Don't ask me how he did that.

I had a question about the colour, so went up to him and asked him.

"Max, I have a question."

"Sure, go on"

"Should we use the yellow or the light blue?"

Max lookedup and in between the two colours I held in my hannds, as an example. I could see in his face that the question overchallengend him, I couldn't tell why. I mean he is the boss of this big company, this should be easy to decide for him.

"I...I which one is beautiful?" he asked. "They both are, so which one should we use? Which one do you like more?" I can't really understand what trubles him right now.

"Let me get my assistant" He said. "Why this is not hard, just say one"

He sighs "Then take this one" he said and pionted at one "yellow"

"Max...." "yes" "This is blue"

"I ment the other one, I think I work to much lately" and he pointed at the other one.

"Okay" I said and left, eventhough  I didn't really knew, what overworking had to do with not getting colours right.

My suspicion that he was hiding something, became even more suspicious. Max definitly had a secret and I wanted to find out what it was.


Here we go with chapter. I think as the story will go on my chapter will be longer. So wait. I'll try to update once every week. Most likely on fridays or on the weekend.

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