Chapter 4

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No long talking, you guys amaze me all the time thank you so much



Yes, I kissed him and yes it felt freaking good, I can't even say why.

I kissed him because I wanted to find out, not because I liked him or something like that, then why does it feel like I kissed him because I desired to?

Eventhough I knew that he wasn't into me, I wanted to see his reaction. The reason he was acting like that goes deeper I'm pretty sure and when he left the expression on his face was not because of the kiss.

Whatever the kiss has done, from now on it will be hard for me to get close to him again for a while, I'm sure. I need to find out what's up with him, why? It has something to do with me, so I have the right to know, haven't I?


It's been a week since that incidence and Max hasn't talked to me since then, when he wanted something he send his assistent, so that he didn't had to see me. I could understand why he did that, but it hurt and it was killing me that I didn't know his secret.

I was going to make some copies when I saw him in the hallway. He saw me and tried to get away from me walking faster, I run after him, shouting his name not caring about the looks of the others. I catch up with him at his office and kinda push him inside with me.

"Max, we need to talk"

"Talk to my assistent he can help you."

"It's not related to work"

"If it's not, then I have nothing to talk to you aswell."

"Max, look, I'm sorry for what I did okay, but you confuse me, I really wanna know what's up with you."

"It's none of your business!"

"Yes it is, because it's related to me and don't say it isn't I know that it is!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"I know you have a secret and I know that something about me confuses you so much, so don't act like that, it's obviously something related to me."

"You think you're that special, you don't know my behavior with other people!"

"Oh, so you think your acting is normal, something you do with everybody and if so why are you avoiding me, I don't think it's because of the kiss, it's something else!!"

To prove and my curiosity, I grap him pressing him against the wall, he tries to free himself but I don't let him. It had something to do with the kiss, it did something to him. Without hesistation I press my lips on his I can feel him freeze in my grip and I move on. This kiss is not an act of love, but I hold it a bit longer.

When I bring my head back to look at him, I can see that impression on his face, he is so shocked and confused but why..why?

I stay still to wait for a reaction from him. I was expecting him pushing me away but instead he brought his hand to my face, going with his hand over every feature of my face with an expression I would call fascination, like he had never seen my face before. Then he looked right into my eyes. "How on earth are you doing that?"

"What? What am I doing?"

"Tul why are you doing this to me? Can't you just let me live my life like before hmm why or more important how hmm how? This is impossible, so how are you doing thid to me again and again?"

"Max. What are you talking about? Tell me hmm okay? I will listen to you."

"I..I shouldn't"

"Max, I'm doing something that , you say, is impossible. Don't you think I have the right to know?"

"Fine I'll tell you, but you have to keep it to yourself, promise"

"I promise"


Cliff hanger, but this is Max part so wait for the next chapter. See you soon.

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