Chapter 8: Detentions.

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After being in Hogsmeade for 5 hours they decided that they wanted to go back up to the castle. It had started to rain "cats and dogs" as Lily said and Sirius and James didnt understand the muggle expression but they shook it off with a laugh.

They were walking up the steps to get to the main hall so all of the Marauders and the girls could go to the Gryffindor Common room and warm up by the fire. It wasn't long before the marauders said they had things to do and left the tower.

Before Sirius left he gave Hermione a note telling her to meet him on the seventh floor in an hour.

It had passed quite quickly as she was just sitting there reading one of her favourite book, Hogwarts: A History. The boys had laughed and made a joke about how it didn't surprise them.

"Hermione, where are you going?" Lily asked her as she was walking towards the portrait to go meet sirius. She looked at her with a suggestive glint in her eyes.

"I'm just going for a walk." Hermione answered, the lie not slipping off her tongue as easy as she wanted it to. Lily knew it was a lie. The girls, however, did not. They just looked at her and said just don't stay out to late after curfew. The red-head turned to them with an 'are you simple' look, but they all looked non the wiser. Lily just rolled her eyes and turned back to Hermione and hummed.

"Sure you are. Have fun then!" she smiled and waved. Hermione rolled her eyes and walked out of the portrait.

She was walking up all of the stairs, they were still moving and changing directions. which was a little inconvenience that Hermione couldn't solve but that didn't matter. She made it to the seventh floor and walked down the long corridor looking at the massive tapestry on the wall. She looked around for Sirius but didn't find him. Hermione squinted her eyes looking again, the corridor was very dark so it made it even harder for her to see.

"Sirius?" She whispered. A chill ran through the hall and made Hermione shiver.

"Hey, Kitten." Sirius said as he wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist. "Are you cold?"

She jumped and spun around. She let out a big breath that she didn't know she was holding. Hermione hit his shoulder.

"Don't do that to me!" she exclaimed, nevertheless she hugged him. "So, why did you want me here?"

He gave her his charming grin, winked at her and looked at the wall. He paced one, twice, trice and then a door appeared on the door wall with the tapestry on it. He looked back to Hermione and saw her shocked face.

"So, do you wanna go inside?"

She nodded at him and walked to the door. Once she opened it she saw a small room no bigger than the Gryffindor dorms, with a fireplace and two soft velvet armchairs infront of it, a picture of Merlin hanging onto of the fireplace and a loveseat to the side.

Her mouth was wide open in shock to what had been created knowing the room wasn't there before. Sirius looked at her and grinned again.

"I'm going to take a wild guess you like it then?" He laughed. The brunette witch turned to look at him with a curious glint in her eye.

"How did you do it?" She asked. Her voice holding a little annoyance of not knowing about the room sooner. She thought it would be a great place to study in.

"I don't know." He answered. "I needed a place to hide from Flich and I turn around then a huge door was there." He explained like an excited little boy on Christmas.

Hermine laughed at him and looked at the watch on her wrist. She looked at Sirius with a look of seriousness.

"We may need to go or else Filch may catch us." She said. "it's passed curfew."

He nodded and walked towards the door holding his hand out. She took his had and walked with him.

As they were nearing the staircases they heard foot steps. Both of them turned around and rushed to an empty corridor. Mrs Norris was staring at them with her red eyes and let out a high pitched meow that filled the hall. Two seconds later Filch came running around the corner. His hair falling over his eyes and his knees up high.

"I've got you now!" He said with his monotone voice. "We are in trouble."

Hermione and Sirius looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Sirius groaned.

"Great, Flich you caught us." He taunted while he let out a laugh of joy, mirth spilling firm his eyes. Hermione looked at him with a shocked expression.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you." Flich replied slowly with a hint of warning in his tone. Sirius stopped laughing almost instantly and stood pin straight. "Detention, both of you!" He said as he turned towards the trophy room.

The two Gryffindors looked at each other and followed the old caretaker.

Detentions in the middle of the night, how fun.

(Words: 886)


this took forever to get finished!! I've got more exams coming up though  and a 4 hour one so that gonna be fun. I've got two weeks before then.

anyway hope you enjoyed.

and mum if you're reading this, if you tell anyone you're gonna pull and James and lily Potter <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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