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i just hope this makes you as giddy as it made me. i hope you're all enjoying this story still. 

dedicated to the wonderful fazing for being well -- wonderful! 


                                              nine : for homeworks sake

         This is stupid. You can get them tomorrow. This is stupid. You know it's stupid. This is a bad idea. Why, why, why?

         I fought with myself as I locked the front door to my house, but I didn't dare turn back. In fact, I was moving quick. I wanted to get this over with as fast as humanly possible. 

         As I got closer to Sylus's house, I concluded that Sylus was being entirely too modest when he said he'd be having a little thing tonight. I waited until I saw his little black car in the driveway before leaving my house, but by then, other cars were already showing up. 

         It was currently 9:12 PM and I only had about a third of my homework done for my literature class. I was beginning to think he wasn't showing up for his own party. What a pity that would be, all the disappointed guests, and oh boy, would he have one highly irritated neighbor.

         Heck, who am I kidding? I was irritated as fuck. As I neared his yard, a car full of girls unloaded beside me. They were dressed fairly similar, high waisted shorts and crop tops, various forms of heels and wedges, hair not a strand out of place. They giggled as they gathered themselves, fixing each others hair and getting one last glimpse of themselves in the cars side mirror. I, on the other hand, knew I looked homeless. I took a moment to note my evenings outfit; an oversized maroon Portland High sweater embellished with a giant gold 'P', black track shorts, and brown Birkenstocks. Let us not forget the sloppy bun of all sloppy buns. I walked proudly though, chin held high as I followed the group into the backyard as though I belonged with them.

         I scanned very quickly, over and over for Sylus. Nothing.

         I did figure I would need to take deeper look. Sylus had a much bigger back yard than my mothers house. Sure, hers looked out toward the ocean and had a cute little fire pit on the patio; but this backyard had the works. The fire pit was massive, there were about 10 bodies huddled around it, some dancing to the music coming from the sound system probably strategically placed around the yard. Others were drinking, holding very animated conversations. Everyone looked like they were having the time of their lives. 

         I adventured forward, just below the fire pit, toward the back end of the yard there was a pond. There wasn't too much going on back there, but it too, was beautiful. A weeping willow shadowed the dark body of water, letting its branches take a dip on the surface. As I got closer, chills succumbed my body, an eerie feeling washed over me. I whirled around and headed back toward the house, physically shimmying my body to try and rid the feeling. My head still swiveled left and right searching for Sylus.

         I knew I was acting a bit over the top to retrieve two books, but I couldn't just mess this up. I finally had the chance to live with my mom and this was my last year in school. I wasn't going to jeopardize that. Sylus wasn't going to ruin this.

         As I entered the house, the pungent scent of alcohol assaulted my nostrils. My scrunched up face must've given it away because two guys laughed and pointed hysterically in my direction. Or they were laughing at my attire; either way I couldn't give two fucks. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach, I saw a dread locked head. I  have spotted a dread locked head!

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