First Meeting

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It was a cold winter morning, which meant only one thing. Many layers of warm clothing, warm drinks and extra lazy mornings. As Y/N's alarm went off at 9 am they couldn't help but try to ignore it, they had left their phone on the other side of the room which meant if they wanted to turn it off they would have to get up and out of the warm embrace of their bed and into the cold and unforgiving maw of the cold frigid air. Why they wanted to stay in bed was simple from that perspective.

However, there was a very good reason why they had done this the previous night. They needed to force themself to get up as soon as possible so that they could get some work done on their assignment before they started work at 4 pm. They had a closing shift tonight and would be in the restaurant long after closing, they wouldn't have any time to do their assignment tonight. Their lecturer would be expecting to see some progress on their assignment for this semester and there was no better motivator than the embarrassment of being the only person in class that hasn't done anything.

With that in mind, Y/N's eyes slightly crack open as if begging to be closed once more. Yet the intentionally distracting sound of the alarm almost forces the light of the sun outside to pool into Y/N's vision, finally awaking them fully. "Ugh..." Y/N sighs long and heavy, knowing that the alarm had been going off for about 3 minutes now. Luckily they live alone so the only person being inconvenienced by this is them. "Why did I go to bed at 3 am..." They mumble to themself as they slump out of bed with many regrets of their past choices while fully knowing they will do it again.

Immediately a shiver overtakes Y/N's body as they are stripped of the bed's warmth. Standing up they walk over to their phone and finally turn off that awful sound. Perhaps they should change it at some point to something nicer, they would only imagine what alarms like these do to people that are especially jumpy, must suck. Putting their phone in their pocket Y/N walks out of their room and into the kitchen to start the day. It was going to be a long one. 

They quickly have some breakfast and finally sit down to get started on their assignment, even being extra good and putting their phone somewhere out of hands reach. "Alright, let's take a look at the brief real quick." They put on some background music and get started on the first part of their assignment. As the hours go by they find themself getting up from time to time to go eat, take a short break and go to the bathroom. They may or may not be procrastinating a little more than they should as they continue to work, but the arguments in their brain are just so darn convincing.

Eventually, before they knew it it was already 3:30 pm, they had gotten a bit done but not as much as they hoped they would. Stupid brain. However they had to dwell on that later, they had to quickly get dressed, get in their car and get to work. Luckily for them, work was only a 10-minute drive away.

As they drove along Y/N took note of the city around them, they had moved here when they started University, managed to get a job or 2 to pay the rent and were relatively on top of their studies. However they never really got the chance to fully explore the city, sure some places here and there with friends but other than that they couldn't say that they knew the city. It was just a stepping stone, a place they just had to be to get to the next stage in life. Eventually, they will move away from this place and go somewhere else, there wasn't anything interesting in their life here anyway.

Finally, they pull up to the restaurant, parking in the employee parking and walking inside. The restaurant was as busy as always, it's good they came in when they did. Calling out their boss they make themself known. "Hey Jeremy, I'm here. Lemme clock in real quick and I'll get to helping out with these customers." Time to start the shift.

Today's shift was a difficult one, so many customers, so many tables to clean up, Y/N started longing for their bed that they long since abandoned this morning. It was safe to say that when the store finally closed and it was time to clean up and close down the shop, it was nothing short of a miracle. As Y/N finished the dishes they decided to finally take out the trash as their last job for the night. All they had to do was take the bags outside, lock the door, then throw the bags in the dumpster in the alley outback. Simple. Y/N started hauling the bags full of rubbish down toward the alley, in one trip, they ain't no coward. But the closer they got to the alley the more they could hear a very distinct sound. 

It was the sound of heavy breathing. Very heavy breathing.

But, it was weird, it was like someone forced an electric guitar to run a marathon. What kind of instrument made a noise like that?? In fact, was it possible for a guitar or even a person to make a sound like that? There was only one way to find out and Y/N didn't like it one bit.

Curiosity forced Y/N to place the bags down for a moment so that they could go check it out. They would be lying if they said they weren't scared, they had no idea what this could be, it could either be nothing or, well, something. They weren't sure which would be more horrifying. On one hand, there would be nothing there and they are just going crazy from burnout or there is something there and they are gonna have to deal with whatever it is. These thoughts cause Y/N to internally squirm as they linger just outside of the alley. All they had to do was a little peek if it's nothing cool, just lowkey going crazy but hey the trash can be taken out. If there is something there, then, well, they just have to hope it won't be bad.

After a whole minute of mustering courage, Y/N finally turns the corner and is met with a wall of utter blackness, the dark completely enveloped the alley, only allowing the sounds from within to be heard. The sound had gotten fainter but it was still there, but now it was paired with the strained sound of pain? Oh no, someone must be hurt, maybe got mugged or worse. They needed help and Y/N was the only one there. God, why them. Moving further they cross over into the darkness and call out to the sound. "Hello? Are you alright?" 

Immediately the sound stops, it just stops, leaving nothing but deathly suffocating silence. This causes Y/N to become even more worried, continuing to move forward until a silhouette suddenly starts coming into view slumped against the wall.

And it was huge. 

Not only that, 2 orblike orange eyes open in the darkness, giving off a faint but noticeable glow in the pitch darkness, so much so that Y/N could even see the other features the silhouette had, a large dark blue hoodie along with a fuse?? As millions of questions start running through Y/N's head they almost didn't notice one thing.

It's eyes were staring right at them.

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