{4} Bro, These Training Courses Are Dangerous

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I got the feeling to move, just as I did the ceiling collapsed where I was standing, causing me to fall. Some concrete fell on my leg and I screamed in pain. So much for me instincts helping me.

"(Y/N)?!" I heard Naomi yell. After a bit she was right beside me. A shocked expression covered her face, as I tried to breathe through the pain. "Jesus. Crap. Okay. Fuck!" She tried to move the concrete, but couldn't. "Damn it! What do I do?"

My senses went off and I pushed her, just as I did more concrete fell where she was standing. She liquefied and moved to the other side of me, trying to lift the concrete up. She slightly moved it and pain shot through my body. I cried out.

"Fuck! I'm so sorry! Shit! Hold on. All Might will be here soon!" She went to touch the concrete again, but stopped and thought for a second. "Hold on, (Y/N). I've got an idea. I'll be right back."

She ran off, after a bit came running around a corner and towards me. Right behind her was Bakugou. He stopped for a second when he saw me, but then ran over to me.

"Get that side!" Naomi pointed to my right side. "Lift on 3!"

They both got to me and crouched down, grabbing the concrete. "1, 2, 3!"

They grunted as they tried to lift it, but it only shifted on my leg, causing me more pain. I instinctively reached over and grabbed Bakugou's forearm, squeezing it as I howled in pain. He stopped moving the concrete and just stared at my hand.

"Stop, please," I pleaded. "That's not working. Just wait until All Might gets here," I whimpered, "please."

Tears were forming in my eyes and running down my face. Bakugou kept his arm where it was. Naomi stood up and looked down at us. "I'm going to get All Might. This is taking him too long. Two students are injured, we need medical help right now."

She ran off and I looked at Bakugou. "Two?"

He scoffed and looked away. "Stupid Deku broke his arm, again. Now he's passed out in there"

"Go to him," I said. Bakugou looked at me confused. "He needs you more than I do right now. This place isn't that stable, and if he passed out where the explosion took place he could get crushed. Go be by his side."

He just stared at me for a second and then scoffed again. "Did his explosion do this or mine?"

"His, I think."


The building rumbled a little, making my leg move, causing me more pain. I screamed and my nails dug into Bakugou's arm. He grunted and moved his other hand to my back. Another piece of the ceiling fell and he blasted it out of the way.

"Careful, you idiot!" He scolded me. "You almost got hurt again!"

"How is that my fault?!"

He just looked away. "Whatever. Your stupid nails are sharp."

"Well boo-hoo. This chunk of concrete is heavy, but you don't see me complaining."

"If you don't shut up I'm going back to Deku!"

"I literally told you to do that like three minutes ago!"

We were quiet after that until All Might got to us. He moved the concrete and carried me out. They rushed me and Midoriya both to the nurse.

I can't say how long I was in there, but I was released before Midoriya. Recovery Girl healed me up pretty fast. On my way back to class I saw Bakugou in the halls, trudging along with his head down.

"Bakugou!" I smiled and waved at him. He looked up at me for a second and then back at the floor. As he passed me I got a little worried. "Where are you going?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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