{1} Meeting The Angry Boy

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"(Y/N), hurry up! You're going to be late!"

"Okay, I'm almost done getting ready!"

I put my hair brush down on the counter and ran out of the bathroom. I stuck my hand out as I entered the living room. As soon as I did a bag hit my hand. I wrapped my fingers around it and stopped at the door to put my shoes on.

"Thanks, Misa," I chirp.

"No problem, darling," Misa replied. Misa is my aunt, related through my mom. My parents were murdered when I was 6 and she's been taking care of me since. "It helps that you have that quirk."

She means my insight. I can predict things before they happen. I can't see it happen, but I can tell it's going to. It's basically just gut instinct on steroids. I usually have to throw games or fights so that I can feel normal. It gets boring never getting to be surprised and knowing everything that's about to happen.

I've learned to control my quirk better, so I can dampen my insight. I can sort of amplify it too, but not much. One day I hope I'll be able to get visions of the future instead of just sensing it. My dad could see it, if I work on it I should be able to as well.

"Yup," I say as I finish tying my shoe. "Gotta run. See ya."

I ran out of the front door and turned left on the sidewalk. A familiar blonde was waiting for me outside of her house. Naomi, my best friend, waved at me. She lives next door and conveniently I had to pass her house to get to U.A. We have entrance exams today.


We get there and both stare at the school like a couple of idiots. This place is so dope. I decided to dull my insight a tad as we started to walk forward. I want to be able to feel the adrenaline when the exam starts.

"Dude," Naomi exclaimed. "We're about to take our entrance exams!"

I look at her as we walk. Her face is lit up like a Christmas tree.

"You look like a little girl who just got Harry Styles's signature."

"Quiet. I'm savoring the moment," she whispers red and purple eyes fixated on the school. 

"You're way too hyped abou-" she cuts me off by putting her finger on my lips.

"Shhh, do you hear that?" She put her hand to her ear and paused for a second. "It's the sound of us about to kick ass."

"Bitch. We always kick ass."

I got the feeling to take a step to the right, which is where Naomi was so I couldn't. Well I could. I'm definitely stronger than she is. I could just shove her, but then she'd probably be angry.

Instead I just decided to look where I was going. Just as I did I ran into something. I stumbled backwards a bit and then tripped over myself, falling on my ass. Wow. Way to go super guts. You couldn't at least tell me when to stop walking? Oh wait, I kind of dampened it.

"Watch where you're going, extra," I heard someone growl. Like it actually kind of sounded like a growl. Like a dog. Who growls?

I looked up and shielded my eyes from the sun with my hand. Standing above me was a guy with spiky blonde hair. His red eyes staring at me, enraged. He seems nice.

"Hey, (y/n), are you okay?" Naomi asks me, offering me her hand.

"Yeah, I'm good," I say, taking it.

After I stand up and dust myself off I turn to the guy.

"I'm sorry. That was my bad."

"Don't do that again. I'll blow your ass up," he snarled at me.

𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕥 // 𝓚. 𝓑𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸𝓾 𝔁 𝓕𝓮𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now