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before I begin, I would like to let you know that I enjoyed my stay at the burrow, you were the kindest and I would never be able to repay you for the love you gave me.

After returning, you may or may not have already been told, but Fred and I decided to take the train ride alone to Hogwarts.

The first half went well, we both enjoyed it, spoke and ate sweets with the money my mum gave me, (I still need to give you the present she gave to me for you).

The second half went not so well.

See an old friend of Fred and George's, Angelina Johnson entered the compartment, sat next to Fred and all was well, she is a nice girl.

She asked Fred who I was, of which he responded, "just a friend of Ginny's."

I decided to keep quiet, not thinking anything of it until he began ignore me, not answering me when I spoke and giving me the cold shoulder.

I went to leave for the bathroom, for some reason causing him to be mad going, "go on, run away."

Again, I ignored it.

After finishing in the bathroom I made the decision to sit with George, Ginny and Ron for the rest of the ride, when they asked why I told them what happened and I felt uncomfortable.

At some point during the feast, someone had spoken to Fred of my discomfort, causing him to come over and say to me, "You're just angry that you're a rip of Angelina."

Now, Angelina is a pretty girl, I get that. However, I don't fully understand what he meant by this so have decided to owl you.

After all, you're his mother. Maybe I just got his intentions wrong?

Enough of me rambling, how are you? I hope this letter finds you in good health.

- Chia :)

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