Chapter Four

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"You ready Calum?" Luke asks me as we walk into this old train station.

"Most definitely" I nod my head. This mission was going to be difficult on many levels.

"Remember, we are all in this together" Michael says grabbing my hand. Wow him and Luke both have amazingly soft hands.

Me, Luke, Ashton and Michael we all begin to walk into the station. Michael walks up and taps his card on the panel, and me and Luke follow suit. Ashton walks up like we all did, but he looks around and makes sure no one is watching and jumps the barrier and stands with us. Our difficult mission of getting Ashton into the station for free (he forgot his card silly unicorn) was a success.

"Alright. So how do you guys know where to go for your mob stand off?" Ashton asks casually. Cause attacking gangsters is just the everyday life of four teenage boys who are in a small band living in Sydney.

"Yeah. How did you know? Did you're little leprechaun friend Rooney tell you?" Michael says making a baby voice.

"Rooney is a small Asian monk about the height of your knee and has a long white beard....not a leprechaun" I say matter of factly. "But we got a note from the gangsters"

"What did it say?"

"Just basically, meet us at Hyde Park at 7am tomorrow or I kill the one you call Addykins" Luke explains.

"THEY HAVE ADDYKINS?!" Both Michael and Ashton shout distressed. *cough* pansies *cough*

I saw the train coming in the distance like an eagle flying in the night to bring the food to its flourishing baby child in their nest high up in the trees. So high that you can barely catch a glimpse of the natural home....what? I like to be poetic sometimes.

We hopped onto the train and since me and Luke were wearing our matching pink bedazzled holsters, people were giving us weary eyes and cringy looks. MIND YO OWN BUSY-NESSSSSSSS.


Hyde Park never seemed so scary in my life and obviously one of us would be going to jail because the shoot off is in public. But I was still so nervous. My hands were shaking and my beaded bracelets on my wrist were shaking like crazy. Luke was quick to grab my hand and as he did that he whispered "We are all in this together. Michael and Ashton may be somewhere new, but I'm here beside you, so c'mon lets be unpredictable and say to those gangstas that they gotta get out cause they're too late"

"Well well well....what do we have here?" A man with a New York accent said. He was nicely dressed except for his old leather jacket and the foul cigar he was smoking.

I was shaking more....and so was Luke! No Ashychu or Mikeychu. Just Cake.

"Well c'mon! Are we gonna have a shoot off or not!?" The gangster said.

"Yes! Yes we are!" I shouted. Luke then added a wild whistle to make it sound more promising. Good lad.

"Well I set up the game so lets go!"

"Wait what game?" Luke asked raising his hand.

"You know. The British game Shooters (btw I made this name up so it's false), it's basically lawn bowls, but mixed with pool"

I had an idea.


"YOU CHEATED!" Luke yelled at the gangster.

"Nah I'm just better than you" he said making Luke making his face he's a ranga fo sho!

But this game was aggravating. We had been playing shooters for 5 hours and no one has won. Suddenly I remembered my idea again. I walked towards the gangster and motioned Luke to come along with me. You see me and Luke had discussed this plan while we went to the bathroom together....yes not only girls go pee in packs.

Luke held onto the gun in my pink holster and so did I. We both raised the gun and shot the gangster.

"Fuck you!" I shouted. I quickly put the gun in his dead hands so then when the police come they would just find him.

"Run?" Luke asks tilting his head.

"RUN!" I shout as we run away down an alley way and behind a butcher shop. We both stand in the dark corner out of breath when I hear something rustling in the huge bin next to us. I grab my phone out of pocket and open the flashlight app. I shine the flash light into the bin...shine bright like a diamond! And inside was a wild Luke McChesney. It hissed at me and jumped out, clawed Luke's leg and ran off into the darkness screaming "THE POLICE ATE TIMOTHAY!"

"Ah!" Luke looks at his leg. I look at it too and I notice that the blood that is tricking down his leg is spelling out something. I was getting scared....or horny, either way I looked at the writing and all it said was "Beware of the dragon".

"Da fuck is dis?!" I say throwing my hands in the air.

"I'm so confus" Luke said scratching his ranga head.

"DON'T BE JAYDEN SEALEY!" I shout pointing to him. He shuts his mouth immediately. See....who's head of the pack!


Here we go again.

"What Rooney?"

"Your is the dragon"

"What? What is he saying Calum?" Luke asked nervously.

Before I could do anything Rooney kicked Luke in the mini Penguins. Hahaha I like this monk. As Luke is crying into his ugly jumper I turn back to Rooney.

"Anyway as I was saying must now fight the dragon as your new foe" Rooney said and with that he disappeared in a blink of an eye and all was left of him was a piece of paper saying "P.S. tell your friend to not be a pussy". Yep...I officially love this guy now.

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