Fanning the Flames

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Previously in To Have A Home: In the silence of the Hospital Wing, the sound of Harry's breathing was all Snape could focus on. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale... Emotion filled his chest at the realization that had he not intervened the previous night, the reassuring sound of life coursing through the boy would have ceased, and with it, Severus's will to live. All he could do now was wait for the students to arrive.


The morning of September 1st came quickly, and with it, a mob of Witches and Wizards arriving at Kings Cross Station. Platform 9 ¾ was a whirlwind of activity as parents ushered their children towards the Hogwarts Express. While new and returning students began to board the train, a group of redheads stood out amongst the sea of people. Molly Weasley, mother of seven who had done this many times before, attempted to corral her children and make sure that they made it onto the train on time.

"Fred, stop giving Arnold sweets!" the Weasley matriarch shouted to the teen who was currently trying to feed Fudge Flies to the aforementioned Pygmy Puff. Suddenly, an identical looking red head appeared from behind her with a big smile on his face.

"He's not Fred, I am!" the boy exclaimed with glee, causing Molly to roll her eyes and sigh.

"You two do this every year! You are giving me grey hair!" the woman scolded. Shaking her head in exasperation, she turned to her two youngest children.

"Ronald, I expect you to help your sister get settled on the train. Ginny dear, don't give him any trouble." She leveled the two with a glare, receiving nods in response. Molly took a moment to praise her son before he got on the train.

"I am so proud of you and Hermione for being named prefects! I know you'll do well. Congratulate Hermione again for me, would you?" She smiled at her youngest son before allowing him to join his siblings.

Soon enough, a loud whistle sounded and the train began its journey to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ron made his way to the Prefect's compartment after making sure that his sister was alright. After placing his trunk on the overhead shelf, the Weasley flopped unceremoniously into the seat, waiting for his girlfriend to arrive. The two Gryffindors had become an official couple at the beginning of their summer holiday, having gotten closer due to the rumor that Cedric Diggory had been murdered by none other than the Boy Who Lived. While it wasn't normal for the pair to believe the Hogwarts rumor mill, it had been pretty clear to all who witnessed the end of the tournament that the Potter was at fault for the death of the Hufflepuff champion.

A few minutes passed before Hermione entered the Prefects compartment, taking a seat in the empty spot next to Ron. She paid no mind to the other Prefects talking amongst themselves in hushed voices as a question that had been nagging at her throughout the entire summer once again presented itself.

"I wonder where Harry is?" She asked softly, not surprised to see the immediate flash of anger cross the ginger's face. Hermione knew that Ron had a temper, and was bull-headed like no other. She sometimes wished that they had given Harry time to explain himself and his side of the story before abandoning him. However, her thoughts were interrupted by Ron's harsh response to her question.

"Hopefully the Ministry came to their senses and threw the git into Azkaban where he belongs." Came the venomous reply.

Hermione was taken back by the fury that laced her boyfriend's words. She had neglected to voice her thoughts ever since Ron had announced that he was kicking Harry to the curb. She did not want to invoke his anger by speaking her mind and contradicting him. While she knew that this was not healthy for a relationship, the girl felt that she could only handle the pain of losing one friend. She wouldn't know what to do with herself if she were to lose both of them. Deciding to hold her tongue so as not to start an argument, Hermione busied herself with a book she had brought with her to pass the time.

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