An Unlikely Ally

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Chapter 7

Previously in To Have A Home:

With a final nod, he bid his students farewell and took his leave, preparing himself for what would be a very eventful first day of class.

Growing up in a pureblood family, Draco Malfoy had been raised to believe that he was superior to all who were not part of the Sacred 28. From a young age, his father had begun to mold him into the perfect heir to the Malfoy name. He had been brought up with warped stories of the Boy Who Lived, contradicting every story book he had read about him due to his father's position under the Dark Lord. Though, if one were to take a closer look at the young Slytherin, they would discover that the platinum haired boy detested the pompous image he had to maintain.

Making his way to the final class of the week, Draco once again took notice of Potter's absence. He watched as Weasley and Granger sat together, not looking the least bit concerned for the missing boy. However, His thoughts were interrupted by a sickly sweet voice.

"Hem Hem" came from the doorway. In walked Dolores Jane Umbridge with her toad-like face and nauseatingly pink outfit.

"Welcome students, to Defense Against the Dark Arts." She started, walking towards the blank chalkboard that stood next to her desk.

"It has been brought to my attention that throughout your years at Hogwarts thus far, your education in this particular subject has been... lacking." Umbridge informed. "Therefore, we will be taking a different approach to these lessons."

With a flick of her wand, thick textbooks materialized in front of each student. A look of disdain coupled with a groan swept over the classroom. Draco began to flip through the pages and was perplexed to find a lack of hands on exercises. He was about to raise his hand to inquire about this when Granger beat him to it.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" Umbridge asked, a sickly sweet smile plastered on her face.

"Um, there seems to be no practical applications within any of the lessons in this book." The bushy haired girl remarked while other students nodded in agreement.

"Ah, yes. It seems that one of the many problems with the Defense Against the Dark Arts curriculum in the past is the constant danger that hands-on learning possesses to the students." Umbridge replied. "That is why we shall be using this Ministry sanctioned textbook, where only theoretical lessons will be taught." She concluded with a slight laugh.

At these words, Draco felt the need to voice his thoughts, regardless of how uncouth he may appear.

"How are we supposed to learn to defend ourselves when we can't practice any defensive spells?" He asked, to the shock of his classmates. Even Ron shot him a surprised look at his sudden outburst.

"Mr. Malfoy, I would have expected better manners in a classroom. There is no need to learn defensive spells, as there is nothing that you need to defend yourselves from." The woman declared, her voice gaining a slightly annoyed tone.

"What about Voldemort?" Draco asked, earning a chorus of shocked gasps in response. "We all know that he returned last year when Cedric died! You can't honestly expect us to be able to defend ourselves against Him without practicing spells."

Before the Professor could respond, a voice from the front of the classroom sounded.

"You honestly believe Potter's story that You-Know-Who returned? It was obvious that he murdered Cedric and then decided to use He Who Shall Not Be Named as an excuse." Came the incredulous voice of Weasley.

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