Dear Perrie (1)

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(Set in 2015 but it's ot3 bc i don't like jesy)

Dear Perrie,

I don't know if I'll have the courage to give this to you, but I hope I one day have the confidence to do so.

So, I should probably start this off by saying- I'm in love with you. I always have been; ever since I first set my eyes upon you. Truth is, I've never had the confidence to tell you. So, I'm writing about it instead. The moment we met was the exact moment I fell in love with you. Perhaps it was the mesmerising blue eyes that I always get lost in, or the adorable smile that never failed to cheer me up, I don't know, but I fell- hard.

After we got put in the band, my love for you just exploded. It's getting to the point where I can hardly contain blurting out my love for you randomly. And if I don't tell you soon, I fear that I might do exactly that. So this is why I'm writing this to you.  Sorry if this comes as shocking, or disgusting, or gross. But I just had to tell you. Every little move you make makes my heart erupt. And when you smile, I feel as if nothing could ever make me happier, that is until you laugh. So melodic and sweet that I almost passed out once, but IT WAS ONE TIME.

Honestly, I could write a whole book on how you make me feel, so I'll leave it here before I get carried away.

Love from, Jadore x

Jade read and reread the paper, trying to decide whether or not it was worth it. This could jeopardise their band, their friendship, their everything.

After considering it for another five minutes, Jade sighed and mumbled to herself, "Just get it over with, Thirlwall. She deserves to know the truth."

With one last look at the paper, she approached Perrie's car. Each girl was being separately taken to Leigh-Anne's house (for a sleepover) to avoid the paps knowing about it- and Perrie's car was due to leave any minute now.

The blonde was sat in the back seat of the vehicle, playing a game on her phone.

"Pez?" Jade started. Perrie looked up at her and smiled.

"Yes, Jadore?"

"Um, this is for you." Jade handed her the paper, which was now folded in half. "Okay, um bye now." With that, Jade quickly walked away.

"Oh, bye?" Perrie said, confused by the sudden exit. She opened up the piece of paper and began to read.


"Okay, I'm going to go get some wine, don't get lost girlies. I know my house is big," Leigh-Anne announced, putting on an American accent at the end.

She left the bedroom, leaving the two geordies alone.

There is a tension in the room. Both girls can feel it. It was as if they were daring for the other to address the letter, their eyes looking everywhere except for the other person.

Finally, Perrie spoke up.

"Jade, I read the letter."

Jade remained silent, but her eyes finally meet the blonde's.

Perrie continued, "And I'm honestly flattered. And, to be honest, I feel the same way."

"You do?" Jade asks, incredulous.

"Yes, I do. But- Jade we can't be together."

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