Dear Jade (2)

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Before Jade could even react, Leigh-Anne returns with two wine bottles in her hands. Perrie reached out, took one of them and started pouring out drinks for the three. Zero sign of any emotion. It was as if their conversation had never even happened.

Jade however, was fighting tears. It had all happened so suddenly. A stupid impulse to tell Perrie about her undying love gone wrong.

But...Perrie loved her back. But they couldn't be together? Why? What was in their way? Was it Leigh? The band? The press? Management? Or something more personal? Whatever it was, Perrie had to tell her at some point, right? She couldn't keep it to herself. Jade deserved to know.

Instead of being a mature person, Jade decided to completely block out anything the blonde said. Even the next day, she barely even looked at Perrie. And Perrie definitely noticed. So she came up with a genius idea to write a letter to the brunette- the only way she'd listen.


Dear Jade,

I don't know if you're going to read this because you've been ignoring me but I really hope you do. I'm so so sorry about the other night. I would've told you everything if only we'd had some privacy. Leigh's the worst for that, haha. Not the time? Thought so.

Anyways, as I was saying. I do reciprocate your feelings and wow was I shocked when you told me. I didn't expect it at all. You always do find ways to surprise me, Thirlwall. But the reason we can't be together is complicated. In fact, it's not just one reason.

So, like the really smart, sophisticated and organised person I definitely am, I'll write a list of why we can't. Which sounds kind of weird, but I can't be bothered to write paragraphs because who has time for those?

Reasons Why The Sexy Geordies Can't Date

1. Management. They'd hate us and be horrible and make us keep it secret.

2. The press. They'd be all over us.

3. Leigh. We would "outshine" her within the band because we're a couple.

4. The band. A relationship dynamic could ruin it, especially if there was any drama or a breakup.

5. The public. They'd go ballistic. (big word, I know you're impressed, Jadey)

6. I'm having a very crazy sexuality crisis and you being very hot and cute would not help the situation.

As you can see Jade, these are very very good reasons and I should listen to these. But whilst writing this I've decided I sound stupid and WE SHOULD DATE LIKE NOW. But we need to have a talk with Leigh, and more importantly, on our own.

Yours always,

Perrie xx


Jade heard the sound of a letter falling through the letterbox. She got up and made her way to the door, taking a glance out of the window on her way.

Before swiftly turning a corner out of sight, Jade saw a flash of blonde hair. This made her even more curious.

She picked up the letter from the floor and headed back to the living room.

Her eyes scanned the content of the letter, an indescribable emotion splayed across her face.

Finally, she set the letter down on the coffee table and began to unpack the meaning of it.

Perrie loved her back- this she knew. But she was having a 'very crazy sexuality crisis?' Interesting.

Asides from that, Jade perfectly understood and agreed with the blonde's other reasonings. But Perrie was willing to try? Was that what she was trying to say?

Jade desperately needed to speak to her. Fortunately, the three girls had a studio session with Kamille later that week. Surely the two of them could find somewhere to talk about it there?

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