[The exile verdict]

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~Third person~

Laughter. Tubbo's laughter.
'Why is he laughing? What's funny? I don't get it.'

"You know- you know this is funny actually."  Tubbo turned to look at Tommy then turned back to Dream. Tubbo was smiling, why on earth was he smiling?

No, it's not funny. Nothing about this is funny. This could go so horribly wrong- no it's Tubbo he wouldn't do that. He wouldn't betray you. You can trust Tubbo. right....?

"It is, I'm sorry Tommy, I'm sorry"
Tubbo turned to face Tommy again, he was on the verge of tears but trying to cover it with a smile, like Tommy would.. strange. His brown hair moving slightly in wind, making the whole just a bit more dramatic.

'Yeah, it.. it is, it's funny.'
No. Stop agreeing with him this is not funny in the slightest. But for some reason Tommy was smiling, why was he smiling? He rolls his eyes, his smile turning into more of a smirk, and points at Dream.

"Dream, you-"  Tommy started to say but Tubbo cut him off. 'Rude'.
Tommy crossed his arms. (The fvxking playlist I'm listening to just hit me with 3 ycgma songs in a row. I'm pissed.)

"Tommy. I am- I am so, so sorry." Tubbo turned to face his cabinet.  He had a look of despair on his face.
Why would he be sorry? They have a plan. Maybe he's just trying to be convincing?

"Sorry?" Tommy said, he was biting his lip —something he does when he's nervous— so it came out mumbled
Why was he nervous? He made eye contact with tubbo, then closed his eyes and looked over to Ranboo, who smiled sadly and waved. The ender boy was Just standing on the platform below going about his business.

      Tubbo sighed, turning to face Dream once again.
"Dream, I've come to the conclusion that it would be best for this nation, the most logical thing to do for Tommy to be exiled from L'manburg." Dream was laughing now, not really laughing I guess, more chuckling quietly. Of course he would. ( I hate c!Dream with almost the same burning passion that I hate asparagus. Don't ask me why)

Tommy straightened his back, he couldn't seem to process the words that had just come out of the person who he thought was his best friend's mouth.
'he didn't just...no.....please no...'

"What?!" Fundy and Quackity spoke at almost the same time. Quackity took a step towards Tubbo, still behind Tommy.

Tommy shook his head slightly this couldn't be happening... not again.. not by Tubbo. He refused to believe it. Fundy looked at his uncle and tilted his head, he considered stepping in between Tommy and the two older men, but decided against it and stayed put.

"What? Tubbo... come on man.." Quackity spoke again. Slightly more aggressively this time.

"Teaming with Technoblade is an Awful idea. It's an AWFUL IDEA" Tubbo slammed his foot down onto the obsidian.

"TUBBO WE JUST HAD THIS CONVERSATION MAN!" Fundy screamed. Fundy's Tommy flinched at the sudden yelling, why did he flinch? He wasn't scared of Fundy, as far as he knew Fundy had done nothing to warrant that reaction. But it didn't matter, no one noticed.

"NO- NO," Tubbo stood straight, but that didn't do much. The three other men still towered over him (canonically short lmao) his right foot pointing slightly east.

(I'm gonna be completely transparent with y'all I'm absolutely sh!t with directions so I had to make this whole scene up in my head wall and everything, and that still didn't help so I pulled up a compass on my phone, stood up phone in hand and stood in the positions i imagine everyone to be in. Sometimes I hate having a small brain.)

"I'm-" Dream tried to speak but was immediately cut off (honestly the best part of that whole argument-) he crossed his arms and rubbed the side of his neck, after pushing up his mask.
(Words cannot describe the amount of disdain i have for this green b1tch)

"Ok? It's awful." Tubbo sighed his eyes darkened just a bit, he shook his head and ran a hand through his fluffy brunette hair.

"What are you doing Tubbo?!"


"War is not the best for this nation." Tubbo raises his arms and widens his stance, anger very present on his face.

"tubbo...?" Tommy didn't know what to do, he couldn't  move, he couldn't bring himself to speak, not like he had much to say anyways he was much more focused on not crying.

'Tubbo... why? Why would he? He wouldn't. But he did.. What did I do? I just burnt down someone's house. That's not even CLOSE to the worst thing someone's on this server!' Tommy's mind was racing, he hadn't even noticed his breathing quickened until Fundy grabbed his hand (THIS ENTIRE STORY IS PURELY PLATONIC It's kinda fvxked that I even have to say that but I'm just making it clear) and started rubbing circles on this back of his palm. Tommy looked at his nephew confused at first— he hadn't even heard the kid step forward— then he smiled and squeezed Fundy's hand, signaling that he hadn't started zoning out, and for him to let go. Which he did begrudgingly.

"NOTHING, involving any kind of conflict is the best for this nation. OK?! You guys are thinking emotionally, irrationally. You need to think logically." Tubbo pointed down towards the floating platform that was supposed to be L'manburg, a poor excuse for the once great nation.

"....what.." was all Tommy could say, he could barely comprehend what was happening. It was all too fast, everyone's voice was slowly getting more and more muffled. His vision was blurry. He couldn't understand why, his house had been griefed tons of times. What did it matter? When did Dream start caring? Why did he start caring? And why did he immediately revoke George's position as king.... that does matter right now, he'd figure it out later. Or at least he'd try to.

"There's more than just us four that live here. Ok? War is gonna bring destruction, terror, a new regime, that we don't want to enforce upon our citizens." Oh right Tubbo.. he was still yelling. Tommy stopped paying attention to the argument instead opting to stare at Dream, trying to find some sympathy, or even just reasoning for his actions behind his porcelain mask. The unrelenting glare of its unmoving smile seeming to mock him. Tommy could still hear muffled yelling, it was just the same argument he'd heard a thousand times over, he should have figured they
wouldn't let him stay.. no one ever did. That's just how the story goes.

    He'd completely forgotten there was an argument still happening around him, he'd gotten far too overwhelmed... his brain must've shut off.. that is until he heard the words that would break him.

"Dream please detain and escort Tommy out of my country"

He couldn't be genuinely doing this.. surely not. How is it that things never work out when he's optimistic.... but i digress, optimism is the fastest road to disappointment.

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