hanging out at the mall part 2

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Rainbow and her group get down wondering in the mall towards the cinema to see tom and jerry the movie. Rainbow got four different kind type of bras for her double d breasts and got new clothes for her daughter.

They enter the cinema towards the counter with female cinema employee and said, "welcome to canterlot movie cinema. How may I help you." Rainbow dash replied the answer for her question, "5 tickets for tom and jerry the movie please."

Female cinema employee: "excellent choice, ma'am."

She pressed the button to get 5 movie tickets handed to rainbow dash and she handed tom and jerry plush to daisy.

Rainbow: "what you say, squirt."

Daisy: "thank you ms."

Female cinema employee: "you are welcome, little girl. Enjoy the movie."

They walk to food stand get some foods and drinks then enter movie theater 1 went inside the room towards their seats in 1st row begin to seat down. Daisy got small drink of orange soda and small box of popcorn and she put her drink on the holder and spitfire pulled out her phone to take a group selfie and take it and put it on mystable.

The movie already started with everyone become quiet and turned their phones on silent and they see a lot of new movies trailer coming out a bit the movie started.

Everyone begin to laugh really loud bit to see tom getting clobber by spike inside the elevator in the hotel lobby including daisy too and she looked up at her mother with warm smile as she said in whisper, "this is best day ever with you, mommy."

Rainbow: "(whisper) you're welcome honey."

She rest her head on her mother left breast as a pillow to continue watching movie with her mom and her teammates.

After the movie over, everyone exit the movie theater to the cinema while throw the trash in the trash can including rainbow dash and her group.

Daisy: "wow, you telling me is Tom and jerry is a cartoon shows and movies in the 90's and 20's."

Spitfire: "that's correct kiddo."

Daisy: "that's hundreds percent cooler."

Rainbow with sly grin on her face and says, "that's my girl. She got it from me." Her teammates nodded their heads at rainbow dash agreement and all of sudden they spotted ducky and bunny from of them with warm faces.

Ducky: "listen, me and my boy is done pranking everyone forever to decide that little girl as her stuff toys."

Bunny: "yeah."

Soarin: "alright."

Frosty: "yay."

Stan lee dress up as janitor and say, "so long suckers, hahahaha."

Daisy look up at her mother again with warm smile as she said, "I keep them mommy. Please, please, please." Rainbow give her daughter a nodded on her head to keep them as toys.

Daisy: "welcome aboard, guys."

Bunny and ducky become happy as daisy toys and went inside the bag with coloring book kit and pencil box to make daisy become happy.

Spitfire: "see you at school tomorrow, dash."

Rainbow: "you too, spitfire."

Spitfire look down at daisy as she say, "really nice to meet you, little dash jr. That your new nickname for you for now on. You like it."

Daisy give thumb up and wink to spitfire for agreement with her new nickname then spitfire said, "awesome, hey you should come at the soccer field to visit us during soccer practice Tuesday afternoon."

Daisy: "of course spitfire."

Spitfire: "atta girl."

They bid farewell to rainbow dash teammates begin towards outside to their vehicles and daisy said to her mother, "your teammates are pretty cool, you got there momma."

Rainbow: "thanks you sweetie."

[New chapter is out]

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