Chapter 5

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It has been a week since Rohan had returned from Yale

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It has been a week since Rohan had returned from Yale. It was his graduation ceremony last Saturday. Since then Mushk and Rohan we're having the time of their lives. They were planning outings, adventures, trying new restaurants and watching all the movies they have listed for this time.

They were enjoying their time without any trouble and thoughts. They wanted to enjoy this time before stepping into their professional lives. Rohan still was bitter over Fariya and Mushk too remembered her unrequited feelings. They were pretending to forget it as if ignorance would lead to completely forgetting about something that has been hurting both of them.

Isn't it so stupid that we all run hiding our true selves from everyone even ourselves, wearing a happy mask pretending that nothing has happened? Whereas the reality is that we are hurt, we want to shout in front of the whole world about our pain, our suffering and our miseries. Clarifying that all those pretences of being happy are as fake as our declaration that we have finally moved on.

No, it is difficult. It is damn difficult.

Mushk was working on her laptop when her mother came in.

"Mushk there is a proposal for you. The guy has his own business and the family is also great. We want you to think about it, it is a nice proposal. We are growing old and we are worried for you."

"Ammi I don't want to get married my mbbs have still not finished."

"So only one year is left naa, we can do engagement for now and after 1 year we can have the rukhsati."

"Ammi I don't want to get married at all. I don't want any commitments at this point, please."

"Why and don't you dare say because of your education because we both know that is not the real reason."

"Ammi there is nothing as such, you are taking it wrong."
She said while averting her eyes.

"Are u sure? You like Rohan right? That is why you are disagreeing. I have seen the way you are around him. Haina he is the reason. Should I talk to his mother, she always hinted at your and his alliance but then things changed but now everything is fine."

"Ammi no, there is nothing like that Rohan is my best friend nothing else. Please stop thinking like this. Aisa Kuch bhi nahi hai."

Minal Ali observed her daughter, it was pretty evident that she was in love with Rohan. She had always guessed, but it was confirmed on the night of his engagement. She looked so wrecked, broken and miserable when she returned. It seems like she had lost something too precious. She had been sure after that but kept quiet. But now she can't let her only daughter destroy her life. She was her mother and she wanted Mushk to be happy and she will make sure of it.

While on another hand Mushk was becoming uncomfortable under her mother's scrutinizing gaze, she knew she would be able to look between her facade and she never wanted that.

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