Chapter 28: The Joined Force

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      He Bing hasn't talked for a long time but it's normal for her. The sadness is not normal. Jin Chan lays on the stack of hay and rest while Jingyi sleeps, sitting up. He Bing takes off her cape and fans herself with her hands then concentrate. She closes her eyes and calls Shao Lei. She never worked hard on calling her blade because He Bing was always sure she would never part with it but now, she hope her blade can hear her. She feels it but it's not strong enough to come towards her.

   He Bing sighs and Jingyi wakes up.

Jingyi: I wonder what everyone is doing right now. If things were normal, Sizhui would be reading right now. (chuckes) He always reads...or perhaps he's in the back with the bunnies.

He Bing: Erge, he would be drawing right now.

Jingyi: I miss everyone. I hope they have a plan to get us out of here.

He Bing: I didn't come here so they could rescue me out. But- what's the point now. Everyone is gone.

Jingyi: Your little servant boy and girl and the Aunt Ye, I wonder where they are relocated. Those two girls that Jin Chan were yelling at too.

He Bing: They're dead. (Jingyi blinks) Meng Gonzi came and pass on the information. Everyone is gone. (voice starts breaking but she recollects herself) Xiaoqi and Xiaoxi, they've been spies all these years for Wen Xu. They were planted here since my father and I found them. They're a branch of the Wen Clan loyal to Wen Xu and his mother.

Jingyi: He told you all that in that little whisper?

Jin Chan suddenly sits up with a tear running up his ear: Well, no matter what happens, that little Jin Ling better not try to be a hero and save me!

Jingyi: Were you crying? (blinks, blinks)

Jingyi: Were you crying? (blinks, blinks)

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He Bing: Jin Ling is brave. Every time you insult him and push him away, he build the courage to come back. (to Jingyi) Jin Chan doesn't show it but he cares deeply for Jin Ling.

Jin Chan scoffs: A cousin like that? I would switch him out with someone who bother me less.

Jingyi: But then you'll always worry if Jin Ling is alright in the streets with his Fairy.

He Bing chuckles a bit: That's why you always tag along. You worry he will get in trouble at those nighthunts.

   Jingyi fans himself with his hand: Phew! It's hot in here. Why are these windows so small?

He Bing: Dage made this specific design. I wonder where he is now.

Jingyi looks at each gates: Hey? Where are the guards?

Jin Chan: They just claimed a place, everyone is probably digging out the treasure room and counting them.

He Bing starts shouting: Dage! Dage! Are you in here?!

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