March into light

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With renewed determination and vigour, Maxwell quickened his pace and headed towards the gleaming corridor and the blazing gates that beckoned him like the very calling of destiny itself. His feet were enhanced and not impeded by the water that swirled and flowed in the heavenly reach. The shining water gave him balance and strength as he made his way towards the corridor. The shining floors of the Absalon comforted his feet in tandem with the water. He marvelled at this as he held in a shiver caused by the relentless rain that poured onto him.  

He cast one last glance at the castle of Avalonia that lay in ruins beneath the tower of the reach. He glanced at the decimated city that surrounded the castle. He fought off another wave of grief that assailed his heart. The legendary city that had succumbed to ruin was heart wrenching to watch. He caught himself observing the thousand fledged steps that coiled around the tower of the reach. They looked perfectly ordinary, bronzed marble with no special aspects whatsoever even though it was treacherous to the corrupt and it had sent countless to their doom. 

He studied the summit of heavenly reach, the torrential rain flooding it with merciful water that glowed with the floor of Absalon, pulsating with Lumia itself. The mosaics, the paintings and scrawls on the floor seemed to pulse within the water. He saw the rainwater that cascaded down the thousand fledged steps and the rest that poured out in torrents as beautiful waterfalls down the cliffs of the tower and onto the castle. He took notice again of the luminous floors of the heavenly reach, how it illuminated the water and took in the pure magic of this divine place for yet another time. 

He raised his hands towards the heavens. To the roaring thunder that bellowed untamed and the flashing lightning that struck unhallowed. The torrents of frosty rain that pounded down on the heavenly reach and Maxwell himself. He whispered thanks to the divinities for showing him the righteous path. He thanked them for allowing him to see such tragic wonders. The crumbled legend supporting the heavenly reach leading to the inner sanctum. Protected divine areas against a backdrop of pure ruin. It was a beautiful disaster. 

He could not afford to be distracted into observing his wondrous surroundings anymore. As a brilliant flash of lightning accompanied by another roaring crack of thunder shook the skies, Maxwell crossed the heavenly reach and started traversing the narrow gleaming corridor of light. He was approaching the magnificent gates of the inner sanctum. Maxwell himself cut an impressive figure at well above six feet, but even he was dwarfed by the sheer enormity of the gates of the inner sanctum. How the tower of the reach contained the Absalon and the corridor as well as the sanctum was yet another mystery. Another wonder of the ancient divines. 

He stared at the shining gates and he could see walls of faded white marble merging into grey and then to white in the distance. It was as if the further they were away from the gates, the darker the marble stones looked. He could not fathom the height of the blazing gates as they were veiled by clouds. Similarly the width of the sanctum that the gates hid was unknown. Clouds hid the walls of the sanctum from his view and he was just able to see a few yards of marble from both sides of the gates. Maxwell felt elation and hope resound in his heart as he stopped in front of these gates at last.

He was entranced by them. They seemed to be made out of crystallized light itself. So fine and elegant were the lattices that ran through the gate, Maxwell could not help but touch it and trace the grandiose patterns. They felt warm to the touch and emanated a generous light which Maxwell felt comforted his hands. The walls of the gate did not feel like they were just walls. They felt like sentient particles of condensed and crystallized life itself. Maxwell found himself looking for the silver line that separated the gates. 

He found it almost instantly, as if it revealed itself to him. He knew that after he opened the gate, he would have to face the last trial of Avalonia. He would have to brave the inner sanctum. And in his heart, he knew he could do it. He need not have fear as he was cherished by Lumia. He felt comforted in the presence of the divine light. With a final glance backwards, he admired the glowing heavenly reach, the marvellous waterfalls that fell along its walls and the thousand fledged steps, the fierce lightning and thunder and the freezing rain that pelted him. 

As he traced the silver line that divided the gate, Maxwell whispered the incantation that had been revealed to him. It felt natural to him. '' Hulhue' Divien Lumia Etherah Loahi Ma Giuven Vieus''. As he chanted the words, he felt himself being encased in a soft incandescent glow that radiated from his hands and into the gate. As soon as the light came in contact with the blazing line, it exploded into a frenzy of spectacular explosions of light. Gold, blue, white, green and dark. They emanated from the gate and covered Maxwell's softly glowing frame in a flurry of waves. 

The waves coiled and swirled around him like the howling storm. Maxwell felt no pain and felt no pressure as the maelstrom of light spun around him and raged, building in fury as it reached epic proportions. The maelstrom of differentiated light was a spectacle to behold as it danced brilliantly, rivalling the storm of lightning, thunder and rain that was assailing the world. The colours of light began mixing with each other and ultimately blazed a searing white, in sequence with the gates of the inner sanctum that shone with the maelstrom. 

With one final pulse that sent waves of brilliant light that completely engulfed the entire heavenly reach, a pulse that was felt in all of Aldria, one that was seen as a beacon of renewed hope to many, the light disappeared absolutely and abruptly. Maxwell felt himself being transported somewhere at a speed that defied his imagination and saw nothing but light. Fantastic, ephemeral, glimmering light. It raided his senses and left him breathless. He felt himself passing through something unnameable and gathered his wits about him.  

He felt as if he were a shooting star speeding towards Aldria and he was on a collision course. As the light intensified and blazed to the point where he had to force his eyes shut, Maxwell felt himself stop precipitously and without any discomfort. Stunned, he took a moment to gather his bearings. He pried his eyes open gently and looked upon his destination. He was in no way prepared for what he was facing. He took a step forward, as if in a trance then stopped. He clutched the sword that lay at his hip and stood with his jaw slack, staring at a dream of mortals, the coveted prize of Aldria and the heart of Aldria. Maxwell was truly enraptured.

i could not find a picture that is similar to what i have tried to describe in this chapter. Use your imaginations wildly folks. thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed it <3

That there is a rough estimation of what i imagine the castle, the city and absalon to look like. except of course in this story, the castle and city are in ruins and its stormy weather haha :3

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