Gift of the storm

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''ALYAAAAAA!! Hold on. Just wait here I will get help. I will do anything I promise. I will. Will you hold on? Will you please just stay with me? I'm sorry. So very sorry. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. I'm so sorry I'm weak and powerless. I'm just a weak cur that has burdened you all my life. You took me in when you didn't have to. You paid no heed to the villagers who carried words of whispered doom that accompanied me. You forsook all of them for me. Yet it is as they said. I have brought upon your demise.''

'' Had I not been born, had you not found me, you would not have had to endure this fate. My beloved sister. Please don't leave me, I beg of you. I would do anything, just to see you smile another day. Please. PLEEEAASE! Don't leave me. I-'' ''Shhh. You do not have to apologize my precious. Do you know why I turned a deaf ear to all those baseless talks? It is because when I saw you on my doorstep, you were a wee babe.''

Our mother was despairing, her health was failing. But as soon as I saw you, staring at me with those unusual eyes of the sky, filled with such trust and wonder, I knew it was meant to be. I knew then that I had found the light of my life. I knew I will take care of you. Mother and I, we both knew. Whatever the villagers spouted about you, my mother and I have never even once regretted our choice. What has happened has happened. It is not in my hands to change it. Listen to me Maxwell. Listen carefully''.

As his sister talked Maxwell had no choice but to nod his head for he was too overcome with tears and emotion to be articulate. He could not help the dry sobs that wracked his body and he could not bear the pulsing agony of his heart that burned in the painful knowledge that it was losing a part of itself. ''you must promise me that you will leave this land. There is nothing here for you anymore. The whole village has been destroyed. Not a trace remains of the peace and beauty that were the marvels of this village. You must not blame yourself. You must persevere my precious. The –'', his sisters words were interrupted by heaving coughs with which she spluttered out copious amounts of blood.

''ALYA! ALYAAA NOOO,'' Maxwell howled in pure anguish as his sister put a bloody hand to his lips and silenced him. ''let it be my precious. My time has come. But your time has not. With my final breaths I will tell you. The curse the villagers have always talked about, the rejection and oppression you faced, it all has its reasons. The night we found you, there was a great storm. There was fantastic lightning that heralded rumbling thunder and torrential rain. It was violent and bore down the village like an angered god. But it did not cause any harm to the village or to the nearby forest.

I felt as though it was a blessing. You know how ridiculous that is. And then you appeared out of nowhere. This is why the villagers shun you. You, the unknown delivery. They dubbed you the child of storms, the doomed. You, the boy with the azure eyes. Unbeknownst to them, you had a pendant with you when we found you. It is stored in our house. Down in the vault. You will know everything when you find it. Promise me now-'' she once again coughed up her precious lifeblood and Maxwell could only hold her and comfort her broken body as best as he could while assimilating the knowledge that his sister was giving him.

He was in too great of a shock to be further surprised by her tale. He tried to soothe her fiery red hair away from her heart-shaped face and looked at her clear green eyes, that even in the face of imminent death, held no fear. Even in such pain, they only held love and Maxwell was overcome once again with bitter rage and anguish. ''Maxwell. You must fulfil your destiny. You were always destined for greatness. I know because I feel it. I have seen proof. Believe me, believe in you and never ever give up.''

With a beatific smile, with a lost look of tranquillity, she whispered, 'Live on. Live strong. Live for me and live for us all. You are our last legacy. A living testament to our dreams and hopes. My precious one. Promise me. You will fulfil your destiny and live strong and live without regrets. You will never let the dark shadows of the pain and suffering obscure your vision from what is most important. Life and love. To save and be saved. To fulfil your destiny whatever it maybe. Do you promise me?'' Maxwell could only stare at her stupidly. As the lifeblood seeped from her mutilated body, he felt pain unlike any pain he had ever felt.

His heart felt like it was imploding on itself. His treasured sister was leaving him and there was nothing he could do to alleviate the situation. He forced a smile through the sheen of tears that threatened to spill out of his agonized eyes. ''I cannot think straight now sister. But I promise. In honour of your memory and all the pain I went through, I will fulfil whatever it is that you have asked of me. My heart is breaking. Just don't leave me. I would do anything. I-''

''Maxwell. Let me go. I already feel it. The time ordained for me is up. Remember me and remember who you are. You are Maxwell Mestiolas, son of Siziya Von Frigmunden, brother of Alya von Frigmunden. You have my love and you will have all. Farewell my precious. Keep me in your memories. I-I lov-love you..'' she uttered these words laced with excruciating pain for her beautiful eyes clouded over at the very end and Maxwell could almost see her soul tethering at the edge, desirous of the great breakage with the confines of the mortal body, to join the others in the exalted golden halls of the nirvana.

''I love you with all my heart sister. I love you. I will carry on and I will remember you and my promises to you.'' With a tearing heart and shattered eyes, Maxwell gently set his sister on the burnt grass and lifted his hands up in the symbol of prayer. 'O' guardian of souls, impart thy help. To the kingdom of prosperity take this soul. Shine resplendent light on this soul thine, let the rays of the divine seraphim guide it and may all that is holy impart their mercy''

Author's note:
Sorry for the very long wait my readers, but i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i have enjoyed writing it. i had some personal issues to deal with and college and other things. i guess you could say i kind of lost touch with the story and my inspiration. i have been reignited for a while and i guess you can safely say that i am well into this story again :D
Have a wonderful day you all :D
Special thanks to my biggest fans.

I dedicate this chapter to R & J ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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