5 - Rest

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Tommy awakens still wingless. He had hoped that they would respawn with him, but apparently that's not how wings work. He knows his wings will grow back overtime, but it will take a very long time. He's never lost his wings before, but Phil has and he said that that was what would happen. Tommy realizes that his clothes are still very much bloody and torn up. He pulls himself out of the bed and goes downstairs. As soon as he gets downstairs, Techno comes out of nowhere and pounces on him.

"What the--" Tommy says.

"Shut up." Techno mutters. "They're here to kill me."

"Who's here?"

"You're government friends."

Tommy's eyes widen. "They-They can't see me, they'll kill me, Techno. They betrayed me!"

"Okay, you can explain later, I'm going to go kill them, hide in my basement. I'll be right back." Techno points to the ladder leading down. He grabs a bunch of potions before heading outside to meet with the intruders. Tommy climbs down the ladder into the basement of Technoblade's house.

It's just a dark stone room.

More like a dungeon. Tommy thought to himself. He climbed back up the ladder into the chest room. He rummaged through all of the chests in less than a minute and already felt like a millionaire. He had a stack of golden apples, full diamond armor and tools, and so, so many potions.

So Tommy took his new found items (that he was not planning to return) and climbed back into the basement. He stared at the dark and moldy stone around him. After a few minutes of debate with himself, he decided that he would not be living in this dump and that he shall make himself a place to stay.

He had decided on the location of his new abode very quickly, mostly because he did not want to build anything. He chose to dig a hole underneath the basement and have his home there.

He vividly heard yelling and fighting above him while he started digging down. He paused for a second when he heard Tubbo screaming, debating on if he should go up and help him. He shrugged it off and continued digging.

Karma's a bitch.

There is silence from above and Technoblade is nowhere to be found.

Tommy has finished his home. The walls have bright yellow concrete embedded into them, with a red bed pushed into the corner. He had the necessities like crafting tables, furnaces, chests, etc. While he had been making this, he came up with the perfect name for it.

The Den.

He climbed back up to the main part of the house carefully. He ducked under the windows and peeked his head so he could see.

There's a lot of blood, footprints, but no bodies, and no one's even there. He notices that Techno's horse, Carl, is gone. He steps out the door, checks both ways to make sure no one's there, and jumps off the front porch.

Oh. Is what he thinks when he lands face first in the snow. Forgot I don't have wings.

Now he's praying that no one is around just so they wouldn't have seen that. He curses Dream in his head and starts his search around the house.


Tommy realized he was still wearing his torn up and bloody clothes from before. He goes back into the house, goes upstairs, and shuffles through his older brothers' dresser. The clothes are a bit big, and Techno has no taste whatsoever, but he'll live.

Tommy feels a lot lighter without his wings, more useless. While he could've spent his time growing up practicing close combat, he chose to practice his flying skills. He never thought anything like this would happen to him, so he never trained for it. Looking back, he's regretting that decision. He's not terrible at PvP, but he's nothing compared to Technoblade. Or Dream. And he reserved walking for mostly indoors. Outdoors, he would just fly, it's less work for his legs, plus he could go faster. His wings could go for hours flapping and supporting his weight without getting tired. He always felt lucky whenever he saw his friends fly around with tridents they had taken hours to get, while he could just use the wings that had popped out of him.

Now he has to live like a normal person.

He doesn't have a trident either, so he's stuck on the ground.

He went back outside to sit on the edge of the porch, his legs hanging down a 10 foot drop he fell down earlier. The imprint of his body was still in the snow. He didn't have anything else to do, so he waited for Techno to come back.

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