Get The Action Started

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“What should we do first?” Sam asked the girls. “Driving?”

“DRIVING!” Sienna and Ebony cried.

In less than 10 minutes, everybody was ready to get started.

“Who wants to go first?” Ebony asked.

“Youngest to oldest?” Sam suggested.

“YESSS!” Sienna cried. “I’M THE YOUNGEST!”

“Sure thing.” Ebony agreed.

 Sienna didn’t know what car to use; if you used their parents or something then it might get damaged. So, they thought of another plan and soon the engine was revving. Sienna had picked a nice looking car from the side of the road and decided to use that one. But there was one problem, a person in the car. It was a lady looking in her mid twenties and she could NOT stay in the car with them! Ebony grabbed her head, Sam grabbed the legs and Sienna grabbed her middle and they slowly, carefully carried her out of the car to the sidewalk. The car was now free to use, with keys and all.

 Sienna stepped on the gas pedal, a little at a time so as not to go so fast at once. Then she got frustrated as the car wasn’t moving fast enough and hit hard on the pedal.

“WOAAAAHHH!” Ebony screamed. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

“SIENNA, STOP!” Sam shouted. 

She slowed down the car and again started to weave in and out of the vehicles already on the road. She soon figured out how to go medium speed. Her steering was a little wonky but other from that, this girl was a natural. She went around five blocks without any trouble but on the sixth decided she was confident at her speed and wanted to go faster. She sped up the car but in a sensible way without losing control and kept this speed for quite a while on the main road, and then she saw the roundabout.

“WHAT DO I DO?!” Sienna screamed.


Sienna slowed down and went around the roundabout. She started to hear lots of noises as she continued to drive round roundabouts and corners.

“EEEKKK!” and then “You scraped the car, Sienna!” from either Sam or Ebony. Luckily, they hadn’t used their parent’s cars. After she had passed the last roundabout, she kept a slow, sensible pace. She started to drive home as she had had enough for the day and she was getting tired. Around 5 minutes later she parked the car in the middle of the road, she hadn’t mastered steering yet and was an epic fail at parking!

They went inside, had lunch and rested for a bit. Sienna made milkshakes for the three of them and they watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

 “Do you want to go again?” Ebony asked Sienna.

“Nah, Sam can start if he likes. Do you want to?”

“Sure, I’d love to. But tomorrow, not today.” 

When the time came Sam used the same car as Sienna but he went very slowly in the fear of crashing. He was so much better at turning corners and steering than Sienna but his speed was pretty terrible. He inched his way along the main road and around the block. The only part he enjoyed was turning the corners to the next street.

 “Saaaamm! Go a LITTLE faster!” Sienna laughed. “Just a little!”

“It isn’t a competition to go the slowest!” Ebony smiled. 

He took their advice and went a little faster. Just a LITTLE! Sienna mentally face palmed herself with a smirk as he had taken her seriously. She had meant a lot faster! He soon decided he was getting bored of learning and wanted to return home. He drove to the house and parked almost perfectly on the side of the road.

“You can NOT just easily park like that!” Sienna said wide-eyed. “That was SO a fluke!”

Sam smiled. “Maybe or maybe not.”

“I can’t believe you just did that!” Ebony said in disbelief.

“I can’t either.” Sam replied.

They went inside and enjoyed the rest of the day, running around outside, playing tiggy and all sorts of games like 40/40. They now have 80 days to go from tomorrow.


 “MY TURN!” Ebony cried excitedly. “You guys get another go after me.”

“Please don’t kill us!” Sienna teased her.

“Like you did?” Ebony teased back.

“I don’t need a head-ache girls! Come on!” Sam called from the door.

Ebony was pretty much average at everything in driving, she did go a little slow though but not like Sam. She scraped a few other cars and our car got pretty damaged but she was ok. She drove along the main road, deciding for once to speed, maybe too fast!

“EBONYYYY!! DON’T BE LIKE ME!” Sienna screamed at her.

“SLOWW DOWNNNN!” Sam shouted.

Ebony slowed the car to a good pace, just a little slow.

 “Sorry guys, I was living the moment.” Ebony apologized.

“Yeh, sure you were! A bit tooo much!” Sienna commented.

 Ebony stayed in control of the car for a while longer and then Sienna and Sam had their turns. They all improved and ended up being pretty good drivers in a couple of days of practice. 

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