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Hey guys, thx for getting me to 85 reads. Greatly appreciated! I can’t wait to get to 100!!! :DDD I have changed my cover, i created a new one and thought it was way better! Please comment if you like it.  Continue reading my story, thx. :) vote for each chapter if you like it plz, i would love you too. Anyway here is the chapter now :) ENJOY! and read on... :)


“Siennnaaaaaa!!!” Sam screamed.

“Where are you?” Ebony yelled.

 “What do we do?” Sam asked Ebony in panic. “What if somebody woke up early and they took her and she is gone and-”

“CHILLAX!” Ebony interrupted loudly. “You are NOT helping.”

“Sorry.” Sam muttered.

 “Sam and Ebony paused. They heard a faint yell. They ran in the direction they heard it coming from. They screamed and shouted to Sienna, calling her name. Then they stopped, they heard yelling again. Was she in trouble?!

 “That was Sienna!” Sam gasped.

“Nope! It was someone else!” Ebony replied sarcastically.

 They ran around, calling her name. She wasn’t replying, where was she? Ebony started crying, she might never see her best friend again. It was a terrible, terrible thought!

 It was dangerous for her to be around alone; those books could have been a lie. Sam suddenly realised.

 20 minutes later, they sat down on a bench. They couldn’t tell where the screaming was coming from. They sat there staring at a map that had all the possible places that were available to the public when the zoo was open.


 “HELPPPP MEEEEEEEE!!!” Sienna screamed her lungs out. “ANYYYBODYYYYYY?!”

 “HELLOOOO?!” Sienna yelled dramatically. “A LITTLE HELP!”

 She had been screaming ever since the stupid cubicle door got jammed. It had walls around it all the way from the floor to the roof and on both sides. She was very claustrophobic and was panicking being trapped in a small space alone and scared. Nobody could hear her, she would never get out! She told herself to think positive but she couldn’t possibly stop being negative knowing she was stuck inside a bathroom at a zoo. All alone!


 “HEEEELLLLPPPPPP!!!” Sienna yelled desperately for the last time before everything went black and she collapsed to the floor.


 “WAIT!!! OH MY GOD, I KNOW WHERE SHE IS!” Ebony screamed suddenly.

 “WHERE?! WHERE?! TELL ME, HURRY UP!!” Sam yelled impatiently.

 “I’M GETTING THERE! She is in the STAFF toilets!”

 “Oh yeh, we agreed to use them at the start of the day when we arrived because they are cleaner. I forgot all about that!”

 They both stood there thinking. Then they remembered they were hurrying to rescue Sienna and sprinted in the direction of the staff toilets.

 “SIENNAAAA!!” they screamed as they ran.

 Sienna couldn’t hear them but they didn’t know that.

 They rushed in to see that only one door was closed and locked.


 Sienna woke up around an hour later to hear a repetitive banging sound which was really irritating her. Anyway, where was she? She was in a cubicle where? She couldn’t remember anything! All she knew was that the banging noise was really annoying; she wanted to scream!


 “Sienna, is that you?!” Ebony asked urgently.

 “Ebony?! Sam?! You found me!” Sienna screamed in excitement and started trying to knock the door down. Everything just came flooding back to her.

 Everybody started crying, but this time they were tears of joy! Sienna was okay, and they were finally sure of it. About an hour later the door fell off its hinges and Sienna came rushing out. She jumped on Sam and she fell on top of him as they both went tumbling to the floor laughing. Ebony shrugged and jumped on top of them, they screamed NO! but she was already in the air. After they finished celebrating and stopped laughing they decided to stop for the day and head home.

 They were all tired and nobody wanted to drive but Sam ended having to. He complained a bit but soon got over it. Ebony fell asleep in the backseat and Sam and Sienna found out that she snores sometimes. They laughed their heads off. Sienna and Sam talked the whole car ride home. They all fell asleep next to the front as they arrived back at the house, exhausted after their long, disastrous day!

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