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When Yoongi exits the room, Taehyung heaves a huge sigh exhaling all the carbon dioxide from his system. He cannot describe the feeling of relief that takes over every fiber of his body.

Like a wave.

He feels so, so light as if he can fly just knowing that his person is alive. But his heart was thumping faster, unsettling. Taehyung squirmed over the bed, unless he sees Jeongguk his heart wouldn’t be at ease. 

Taehyung waits biting his nails, waits for the younger to come to him. He knows he will start crying the moment he sees the younger. He knew he’ll feel all warm again when he’ll hold his Jeongguk. The addictive feeling will wash over him when he’ll kiss him again. Taehyung sits on the bed with his knees up resting his arms over it staring at the clock and the door simultaneously. Only seven minutes have passed since Yoongi left for fucks sake, Taehyung should calm down. 

A feeling stirs in the pit of his stomach, Taehyung bites his lower lip now thinking absolutely clueless. What if Yoongi just lied to him to make him feel better? What if this all is a hallucination? What if the younger is actually not alive anymore? What if—

Taehyung shoots his head up when he hears the door open wide and in the middle of it stands his Jeongguk looking ethereal as ever clad in all black just the usual, with parted lips; heaving, taking long breaths as if he had been running the moment he found out about Taehyung waking up. His cherry hair parted sideways, a mess. Taehyung saw how Jeongguk took a sharp breath before he marched towards his bed pointing a finger at him.

You,” Jeongguk exclaimed which caused the hair at the back of Taehyung’s neck stand on ends as if saluting him. “Taehyung,” Jeongguk let out weakly when he sat down right in front of him cupping Taehyung’s cheeks. “You, are a complete idiot,” Jeongguk gritted, his eyes soon filling up with tears. 

Taehyung was breathless, he was speechless. Jeongguk was right in front of him. He was as beautiful as the last time he saw him. Whatever happened was sure a hell of a dream. 

Without any words further exchanged, Taehyung started crying. “Do you even know how dead worried I was?” Jeongguk whispered. “Your body wouldn’t respond, I thought I—I was going to lose you, you piece of my heart!” he says finally letting the tears from his eyes spill as well.

“I’m sorry,” Taehyung whispered feeling the warmth travel across him just as Jeongguk cupped his face ever so delicately. And Taehyung knew he was sorry for so many reasons. For worrying Jeongguk, for being in such a condition, for not being able to save Jeongguk even if it was just a dream or vision.

Taehyung’s heart tugged when Jeongguk wiped his tears with his long slender fingers. Taehyung closed his eyes breathing heavily trying to bring himself over that this is his Jeongguk and this moment is real. It had to be.

And when Jeongguk finally closed the distance between the two of them, Taehyung grasped that this moment was real. 

The warmth that spread across his body lighting every cell, every fiber of his body with the touch of Jeongguk’s warm lips over his. The way Jeongguk pulled him closer to kiss him better slotting his hands over Taehyung’s waist.

Sweet like strawberries.

The way Taehyung’s lips fitted into Jeongguk’s like a missing piece of a puzzle, like a missing piece of himself. Jeongguk deepened the kiss, tilting his head, both of them crying as they kissed salvaging their wants and needs together. Sure hell they both missed each other so much.

Taehyung knew he had Jeongguk. He knew he didn’t want to lose someone so warm. Someone who shines for him. Taehyung knew he had to protect Jeongguk, he had to protect his sun, his star, his galaxy. And he will save him, no matter what. 

When they part from their heated kiss, breathing against each other’s face. Taehyung knew this wasn’t going to their last. He could feel adrenaline rush in his veins, ears thrumming loudly along with his heart as if the kiss shared energized him in some way he wasn’t able to describe.

Jeongguk looks at Taehyung carding his fingers along the blonde locks of the Taehyung’s hair and cupping his face with another hand. “If you ever do that again, I’m going to kill you with my bare hands,” Jeongguk said, a ghost of a smile hovering over his lips. Taehyung smiled at the younger warmly. 

“I’d never leave you Jeongguk, I would never let you leave me too,” and he meant that. Every single word he said. Taehyung meant it with all his heart. He somehow grew too responsible for Jeongguk, he’d do anything to save him.

After a while of staring at each other, they lay down with each other cuddling looking at each other with warm smiles and comfortable silence. Taehyung loved the feeling of having Jeongguk in his arms right now, filling him with absolute warmth and brighter sunshine. If stars ever shone brightly then they shone the brightest in Jeongguk’s eyes. 

Taehyung smiles at Jeongguk who returns his gesture by smiling back at him. That’s it his whole world was Jeongguk. So he moves forward cupping the younger’s face and giving him a soft peck on his lips. His heart feeling euphoric. Grateful. Overwhelmed. 

“I love you Guk,” Taehyung breathes out, Jeongguk only beams brighter giving him a small peck again nuzzling closer into Taehyung. 

“I love you more Tae,” Jeongguk replies pecking Taehyung again grinning so bright that Taehyung couldn’t miss the twinkling stars in his eyes. The calmness in his features, the calmness of his heart. Taehyung feels it again.

With a promise to himself and the assurance Taehyung gets while looking at his Jeongguk, he knows he’ll save him despite whatever the circumstance. Despite all odds, he will save Jeongguk. Not everybody is given with second chances, so when Taehyung is given, he’ll not waste it. He won’t let Jeongguk go. Not again. Never again.

A/n: and that's a wrap up, this was sad, I cried too but you know I hate sad endings so I make it right 😌

I would like to hear your feedbacks!!

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