Chapter nineteen: Accompanied

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"So I asked to look back at all the messages you'd sent
And I know it wasn't right, but it was fucking with my head"
  - Be Alright, Dean Lewis

May be mature for some audiences




Valencia whimpered beneath his hold as his finger traced her thigh, stopping just before her skirt ended. He was cautious of where he touched her for she was the most innocent of them all, and although it was an option, he didn't want to ruin her. Not just yet. She was an angel and to do the most sinful things to someone so pure would be the worst thing he could do.

She moved her hips against him and he groaned into her mouth, sliding his hand to the back of her neck so her head would be pushed closer to his. Her free palm moved to his hair and gripped harshly, pulling on his roots so he would be pulled back a bit. When she exposed his skin, she attached her lips to his neck, moving furiously.

"V-Valencia stop it" he mumbled and he felt the hesitation as her kisses came to a stop and she pulled away to look at him better. His breathing was erratic, and he could barely control where his hands where his hands went. So he held her face firmly in one, and the other gripped her right hip for relief.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" she asked blinking rapidly, her green eyes fixed upon his blue ones making his abdomen flutter with butterflies. He felt his heart shatter at how sad she sounded for him to have made her stop, and he wanted her to know then and there that she was perfect. Everything she did was perfect. "I'm not as experienced as other girls Brax, I'm sorry-"

Malfoy took her lips in an act of desperation, wanting to taste her nervousness. She wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer, and he allowed so with grace, pushing his chest against hers until there was nothing either of them could do to get closer. Chest to chest, hip to hip, lip to lip, they were a battle field of hunger.

"Shut up, you're perfect" he mumbled against her mouth, and he moved back so he could kiss her cheeks, tainting her skin in a gentle way. He was typically rougher with women, but with her he was almost scared to touch her. He didn't know what her limits were, he didn't know what she liked and what she didn't, and he actually cared about the girl beneath him. He cared about her pleasure more than his own.

"Abraxas, what are you doing? she questioned as he moved his lips down until it attacked her neck on full force, he moved around until he found her sweet spot just below her jaw closer to her ear. He felt her body tense up and she let a moan slip past her plump lips, automatically gripping at his locks making him move faster and needier.

"Tell me if you want me to stop, okay?" he looked up at her from his spot and he saw her nod in affirmation, making his lips tug into a small smile before he went back to his earlier activities. He moved down until he grazed her collarbone, moving his finger tips from her cheek to her arm and running it up.

Valencia got goosebumps at what he was doing for nobody had ever done it to her before, she felt uneasy, but comfortable. She had been with this boy for a while, but she knew that it was far too early to do anything to extreme. Though, it was nice to savor the feeling of his lips against her skin. He was warm and soft, his gentle movements making it hard to concentrate and figure out when far was too far.

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