Chapter twenty-three: shared interest

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"She wasnt exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the same way."
-Nicholas Sparks


They hadn't spoke in days.

The winter was fierce outside of her home, and the snow was piling out beyond her gates, making it impossible for her to leave or her mother to return. She was oddly satisfied to know that she wouldn't be returning home, Valencia didn't mind the silence. She was wondering however, why Tom was being so distant since their argument.

It hadn't been the first time they argued, and certainly wouldn't be the last. Though, a sting in her heart was evident as she thought about how weird he was acting. Honestly, it didn't surprise her that he was being so closed off, but it did bother her that he wasn't eating correctly.

She hadn't seen him come out to get a meal since he barricaded himself in his bedroom. Which, trust that she was indeed looking for it. She didn't know the exact reason why it bothered her so profoundly that she couldn't get a good nights rest, but she knew that she had to make him eat something. Surely he was hungry after a few days of constant silence, surely he was lonely.

Valencia hesitated as her hand hovered over the handle, she didn't take mind to how her heart was hammering and her blood was pulsing faster than normal.  She did though take notice to how her hand was shaking tremendously over the knob, her pause taking up more time than she had originally intended. 

The bag of food in her other free hand was also shaking, and it took all of her to finally push open the door with a small force. She was quick to glance around to make sure she wasn't intruding on anything, but she only saw him on his bed reading quietly to himself.

Tom knew she was there- he didn't mind that she had come to see him, he had gotten a bit lonely inside of the room by himself. Though, he noticed how bad she was shaking. His eyes landed upon her figure and he felt his skin beating up at how disgruntled she looked.

Valencia's hair was loosely out, just laying wherever it wanted, the blonde locks not tied back like they typically were. Then, there were her eyes, they were dim against the darkness of his room, and she had potent eye bags beneath her emerald gems. That didn't startle him most though, he saw the lack of color in her plump lips and felt his soul tug in different directions.

He didn't like this feeling, but he felt as if he should find out what was wrong. What was causing the witch so much discomfort.

"I hope I'm not bothering you," she mumbled taking herself to his bedside table and setting down the bag. She saw his eyes travel from her to the concealed meal and he hoisted an eyebrow at it before looking back at her, "it's food, I- I noticed you hadn't been downstairs in a few days and I got worried you weren't eating right."

Riddle's eyebrows both raised this time, a bit weary of how she was acting toward him. The only other time anybody had offered him a meal out of the kindness of their hearts was... never. He was always fed by the orphanage who wouldn't feed any of the children if not forced. Then there was Hogwarts, who gave him food out of reputation. To keep their names clean.

He stayed silent for a moment before he grabbed it off the table and opened the top of it, his eyes lit up a bit when he saw jelly filled scones and some other sweets. He wondered how she had known that he liked them, he didn't like any other sweet apart from this one.

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