Chapter forty-three: Murder the problem

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"Prolly 'cause there's no umbrella to shield me from all the rain
Probably because you're the one playin' the mind games
You hate me because I don't let you play no mind games
They give me migraines and damage my brain"
- Hate me, by Ellie Goulding ft. Juice WRLD


Tom buttoned the last part of his shirt, making sure to cover any skin that could drive the attention from the original set goal. His jaw was perfectly clenched, eyes trailing himself in the mirror he was standing before. Inside that beautiful head of his, besides the endless scenery of murders and glory, was a plan that was quite menacing than normality.

The truth is, he would admit he was possessive and jealous, but what he would not admit was the lengths he would go to keep those possessions. For time's sake, he would deal with the male subject of the plan after hours when he wasn't so rushed, but for now he had a woman to swoon, a woman to make fall to her knees, a woman to make understand just how much she meant to him.

This woman, his mistress, was powerful by his name, he had great plans for her and what she could accomplish. However, even if she was made to be his equal, she would not treat him lower than her. If anything he deserved to be put as her superior, he was the dominant, and if she disagreed than it was obvious there was much to discuss.

The door creaked lowly from behind him as she entered, the familiar scent of her perfume clouding his sense for more time than he liked to admit. He had somewhere to be, therefore there was no time to waste, he had to deal with her quickly. He had to push her to her limits and push himself to assert his authority clearly.

"You went through an awful lot of trouble to get to me," she said swiping a finger across their bed comforter, the emeralds traced over it for a moment too long before drifting to his dark silhouette near the mirror. Where he stood, already gazing at her from his placement, not daring to break eye contact first.

"Yes, well when someone intentionally avoids someone else you'll find it quite hard to get their attention easily," Riddle said, curls of mysterious shadows fell loosely across his forehead, his eyebrows drawing together. He was almost too furious for his liking, he wasn't meant to be mean toward her, but rather persuasive is what he wished.

"So what? You got me here, against my will of course. Sending Icarus to practically carry me back here? Isn't that a bit excessive?" She was playing with fire and even if she had ad advantage with him other people didn't have the pleasure of possessing, it did not mean she was safe. Safe from the wrath locked away in the chambers of his body.

His back turned until he met her eyes once more, only this time not in the reflection of the mirror, but instead directly into them. He was handsome as always, nothing could change that fact, but he didn't seem tender or sweet. He wasn't intend on making this easy, or fun for her, he wanted her to see what exactly he was feeling.

"When I want you, I expect you to be here. If you had come the first time, or the second time, or even the third time I asked, I wouldn't have sent him." He watched her as her eyes looked him up and down, taking in the intoxicating appearance of her lover. He did in fact look good, he had an important meeting soon, and attractive attire was an obligation.

Valencia took soft steps forward, playing her cards to her liking, making sure not to make him tic the wrong way. "In all fairness, our last interaction was more than vile, hopefully you could understand my choice not to see you."

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