Chapter Five: Capture

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(Sorry for the long Wait, I was uninspired to continue for a bit before I thought, might as well continue. Trust me, I have bang out like three more chapters out yesterday for this story. And yet me tell you, There is more Britannian Stuff along with Summer. and Adam coming up)

Y/n open his eyes to find himself in a dark cold room along with some others. Coco, Blake, Weiss, Ren, Neo, and Roman. All of them were cuffed in handcuffs. Y/n was the only one awake and he kick Roman's foot to wake him up.

Roman: *mutter* "Five more minutes. The Prince is still asleep till 10."

Y/n: "I am waking you up."

Roman: "MY PRINCE!"

This woke everyone up and they look around. Neo immediately hit Roman before trying to sleep again.

Weiss: "Where are we?"

Roman: "A White Fang Dungeon."

Y/n: "How would you know?"

Roman: "I use it at times."

Y/n: "Perv."

Neo then hit Roman in the arm while trying to sleep.

Roman: "HEY! It gets lonely at times."

Y/n: "Whatever. Just go get my kit."

Y/n scoot over and Roman look in his back pocket. Then he took out a small tool kit and then open it to grab a small device. He tap on it to activate a laser that Y/n use to cut the cuff. Y/n then turn around to help with Roman and the others.

Y/n: "Where are we?"

Roman: "Hard to tell, there are 12 bases in Vale."

Y/n: "Damn it."

Y/n pick up the kit and then lock pick the door open. Everyone else follow Roman out since he was guiding them as Y/n was ahead. The two was leading the others like they are professional down the grey looking walls. Y/n will always Signal to Roman and Roman understand and whisper to the others what to do.

Once they reach an end of a hall, Y/n motion everyone to get against the wall. Soon Adam and the White Fang Leader, Sienna Khan, was walking down the hall with 2 guards. Adam look angry and holding his weapon tightly while Sienna was calm.

Adam: "He is a danger, and he need to die."

Sienna: "For what again? I fail to see what you mean on killing him. He seems to be a harmless human."

Adam: "He took 80 of my men, then threaten me with them. And not just that but if we complete the job with have with the girl, he can easily storm in here and hold a gun against your head. And no one will care, all because of his semblance."

Sienna: "Is he that dangerous?"

Adam: "He only have one other account in his name. A Doctor's report that I had to pull a few strings and a dead doctor. Other than that, Nothing but a recommendation from some huntsmen to be in Beacon."

Sienna: "What in the report?"

Adam: "To confirm that a huntress name Summer Rose was found dead and autopsies found that the attack was Grimm in nature."

Sienna: "Anything else?"

Adam: "That is all. He has nothing else under his name. It is almost like he never existed before."

The two continue to walk and Y/n look at Roman and nod his head when two guards were standing close to the hall. He toss the kit after taking something for himself. Now both of them walk behind the guards as they walk by and put some razor sharp string and slice their throat.

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