The new boys

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                                Y/n POV

I awake to my alarm
Dragging myself out of bed I go to the e bathroom and put on sweatpants and a light grey shirt.

I walk downstairs gather my books from the table where I was studying last night put them into my bag. I grab a cookie off the table and walk out the front door

Arriving at school was always the same you have the classic mean girls whispering about you, the boys who think they are to cool to pull there pants up past there thighs and the nerds already studying for a test we don't have

Typical high school

The bell rings the sound lingering
I go to my locker and see Paige, she's one of my friends.
We walk to class making small talk about this and that
We sit down at our desks located next to each other
We are all getting confused class was supposed to start 10 minutes ago.

we hear the faint sound of talking coming from outside the classroom than the teacher walks in followed by 2 boys

"Sorry I'm  late class we were having some difficulties" the teacher announces

"Anyways these are your new classmates"

The two boys walk slightly forward introducing themselves

"Hi I'm Gon" the one with black and green hair starts

"The names killua" the other one says

Gon is sat behind Paige and killua behind me

Than class begins

Time skip:

We didn't have to many classes today just English and math

The rest of the day was free periods
While walking to math I get tapped on the shoulder
I turn around expecting to she Madeleine
My other friend
Instead I am face to face with one of the new kids "Gon" I think it was

"Hey" he says sparking conversation
"Umm hi" I say
"Sorry to bother you but do you know where room 203 is" Gon asks hesitation in his voice
"Oh yeah the math class we're actually heading there right now you can come we will show you"

"Great thanks so much"
"I'm Gon by the way" Gon says
"And this is my friend killua"
I looks over and lock eyes with this killua guy for about 5 seconds before Paige speaks up

"We uh we better head to class" she says
I look away and think to myself

'I've seen those eyes before'


Okay so first chapter done ig
So not that I'm expecting people to read mainly because I'm dyslexic and can't write a story for shit

"Do you remember me?" (killua x fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now