"Do you remeber me"

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                                  Y/ns POV

"Do you remember me" killua asks

Shock must have been all over my face because he said "you do, don't you?"

I slightly nodded and said "yeah I think I do"

He smiled

" do you know from where?" He asked

"No I can't quite figure it out" I answered

"I see" he starts
"You remember your brother right, the dead one"

Than it hits me

"Your the one who killed him aren't you"

he nods seemingly unfazed

See my brother was training in the hands of some master to be an assassin, but when he found out who the Zoldycks where and that he would have to defeat them to be "the best" he left our family house. That night they found his body with his heart simply missing from his chest. Shortly after that my parents went missing. Never found, never pronounced dead, still an open case police have given up on.

"Why" I ask, it's all I have wanted to know all these years

He takes a second trying to find the right words to use than he opens his mouth to talk

"The truth is that my mother said there were new assassins training near by us and that one in particular which was your brother was learning how to "defeat us" she ordered me to kill him when I refused she put me under Illumis manipulation" than he pauses

"I'm sorry" he says

"Also I went to the hunters exam to escape my parents as fucked up as it sounds I was born for one reason and one reason only to be an assassin, I met Gon and we quickly became great friends, long story short I killed someone at the hunters exam while under Illumis manipulation again and I didn't get my licence"

I just looked at him I halted my walk and just stared into his eyes

"I never think I'll meet the family of my victims...... but here I am" he says looking at the ground

I walked up to Him  Uncontrollably and hugged him

He tensed up but than slowly put his arms around me and hugged me back

"I'm sorry" he whispered again

" it's okay" I whispered back

After about a minute we broke the hug and continued walking to our houses

by now it was 8:45 and it was almost dark out

"Where's your house" he asked

"Oh about 5-10 minutes from here" I responded

"Do you need me to walk with you" he asked

"I should be okay I don't want to be a bother" I say before turning n my heels and walking the other way

"If you say so, goodnight y/n" he said quietly but loud enough for me to hear

I look back over my shoulder

"Goodnight, Killua"

Right so someone read my story so tysm to them also what progression in the story anyways I'll keep updates coming once or twice a day maybe more if I'm board  but yeah

"Do you remember me?" (killua x fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now