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(2 years later)

I sit on my bed scrolling through my Instagram feed

That's when a pick of killua and this girl comes up on my screen

She kissing his cheek and and he's smiling

Over the years I've talked with Paige the most

I've talked with gon but not as much

As for killua, I haven't talked to him since that time we hung out 2 years ago

To be honest I've gotten over me and killuas brake up and I did a long time ago

But seeing him happy with another girl hurts a bit

I assume that's his girlfriend

I've gone dates with boys and even had a boyfriend for a while but nothings ever lasted, not as long as me and killua did that is

I've gone dates with boys and even had a boyfriend for a while but nothings ever lasted, not as long as me and killua did that is

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I got this tattoo a while back
Each flower represents one of my friends

Gon, killua and Paige

To be honest there was no real reason for this tattoo

I got it thinking about how they where really my first true friends

I don't think our friendship really ended,
I know we will meet again someday

Paige and Gon started dating about a year ago now

I sit still scrolling through my Instagram feed when i get a call

"No caller ID"

"Whatever" I answer it

"Umm hello" A girls voice comes from the other side

"Hello?" I say

"Why does my boyfriend follow you?" She asks

"Huh, I don't even know who you are" I say back

"Oh, why does killua follow you" she says clearly

My eyes widen, first of all how did she get my number, second why does she care that he follows me

"Oh, he's my friend" I say

"Not anymore"

"Huh?" I say genuinely confused

"I don't want you to be friends" she says in a pissed tone

"Listen here bitch" I start
"I don't know you, so don't tell me who I can and can't be friends with, second I've known him for a long time and I don't intend on ending the friendship between us because of you" I finish Proud of my wording

"Ugh" she says hanging up

Good god, what a bitch

Incoming call "killua"

'The fuck we haven't talked in over 2 years, why call me now'

"Umm, hey" I say answering the phone

"I want to apologize for Ellie" he says

'Oh lord, that must be bitch over here who called me'

"Who?" I ask wanting to clarify my suspicions

"The girl who called you" he says

"Oh, umm okay" I say back

"How have you been?" He asks

"I don't know, okay I guess" I say being honest

"Same here" he says

"Is that your, umm is she your girlfriend?" I ask about this Ellie

"Oh, no she's not" He answers

"Than why, never mind" I start than stop myself

"She's like crazy obsessed with me, we went on like 3 dates that's it"


"Welk I have to go" I say wanting to end this conversation

"Oh okay bye"

I hang up and sigh out

'What in the actual fuck'

Not sure why I added her but whatever I have use for her character but yeah

Thanks for reading

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"Do you remember me?" (killua x fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now