Those eyes

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                                   Y/n POV

I've seen those eyes before I know I have
I just don't know where

There bright and blue like the ocean but behind them is a dark Omanis aura

I've seen it before
I've felt it before

But when and where I just can't remember

We talk down the hallway and enter the classroom we take out seats

Paige,me,killua than Gon

The lesson starts and I turn my gaze to the window and try to remember where I've felt the Aura before

"Y/n,y/n" I snap back into reality
Turning my attention to the side seeing killua calling my name
"Yeah" I mutter

"Class is over did you not hear the bell?"

"No sorry I wasn't paying attention" I say

"Oh well I think Gon and Paige was it are waiting outside the Class for us" he says

I smile slightly and get my things and exit the room

We see Gon and Paige by the lockers and walk over to them

"hey" I say sparking conversation

"Hi" Gon adds

"Do you guys  have anymore classes today" Paige asks to no one in particular

I responded "no"
Followed by two more "no's" from Killua and gon

"Where did you guys move here from?" I ask genuinely curious but also wanting to find out a bit about them, mostly Killua I want to know where I know him from.

"Oh well I used to live on whale island" Gon starts
"But after I took the hunter exam and met Killua we decided to move here to go to school"
Gon finishes

"And you" I say looking in Killuas detection

"Oh I'm from here in Japan but from a small city" he spits out

He's lying I think to myself but why

"Hey why don't we all hang out today" Gon suggests

"Sure" Paige says

I nod and so does killua

"Have you been here before like do you know the city" Paige asks

"I came here for vacation once with aunt Mito but it was only for a week we only saw a little bit of the city"

Killua shakes his head no

"Well do you want a tour" Paige asks again

"Sure" killua says

"Yeah that would be great" gon says

Time skip
(To when there done the tour)

We end the tour at me and Paige's favourite ice cream shop

We came here all the time when we were little

We get our ice cream and go to sit down at a table

"So where do you guys live" I ask only afterwards realizing that sounded creepy 

"Sorry that was creepy" I say before they have a chance to answer

"Oh no it's okay" Gon says

"I live in the hunters hotel" he says
(A/n go with it)

"Well I'm not a hunter so I live in the apartment complex near the school" killua says

"Cool" I say

"Me and Paige live opposite directions from the school"

"Yeah same with me and killua" Gon adds

I check my phone for the time
"Already" I say

"What" Paige asks
"It's almost 5 pm" I say

"Well at least we don't have school tomorrow" Paige says

"Oh yeah it's Friday" Gon responds

"Hey can we get each others numbers" Gon

"Sure" we all say in sync

We all start laughing

We finish our ice cream than head back home

"We should hang out tomorrow" Paige says

"Yeah" me, Gon and killua say

We all part our ways

But soon I sense someone walking behind me
I listen but they mask the sound of them walking

I turn around to see killua

I sigh out

"Hey" he says

"Hi" I say back

We walk side by side in silence

It takes everything in me not to ask where I know him from

Than he speaks up
"Do you remember me?"

I'm not good at writing but I am at leaving cliffhangers so yeah most chapters will be around this long or maybe slightly longer idk yet but yeah this is fun the write so ig I'll keep writing even if people aren't reading it

"Do you remember me?" (killua x fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now