[1] Pilot

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Georgia sat on the barstool awaiting the arrival of her old partner, Cordell Walker

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Georgia sat on the barstool awaiting the arrival of her old partner, Cordell Walker.

"Charlotte, another shot please!" Georgia spoke causing the brunette to send her a raised eyebrow.

"Don't you think you've had enough? I mean, are you even going to able to speak to your friend?" Charlotte, her friend she had known for a while now asked.

"If you knew Cordell Walker, he should come in stumbling too." Georgia answered downing the shot. "Don't serve her another." Geri ordered.

Charlotte was new working at the bar. She had come back to town a couple months ago when Georgia offered her a room in her house hearing that her friend was thinking about moving near her. The two had always been there for each especially since the death of Emily Walker, a good friend of Georgia's too.

"Oh, Geri. Don't be a party pooper." She told her with a smile causing the door to slam open. "If it isn't my best friend, Georgia Rivera." A voice stated.

Georgia's eyes widened with a grin sprinting around running in the arms of Cordell Walker. "I've missed you!" She exclaimed nearly falling due to the alcohol hitting her head when she stood.

"I'll take that, thanks." Charlotte said swiping one of her shots, clearly the girl has had enough. "No fun." Georgia shouted sticking her tongue out playfully at the bartender.

"Yeah, yeah." She finished walking away. "Who's that?" Cordell asked.

"Charlotte Jones. My childhood best friend. She's been helping me out a lot recently." Georgia explained. "Huh, okay." He replied sipping on his drink.

"I'm really glad you're back, Walker." She told him with a smile. "Likewise, Georg." He finished.

The two continued to down drinks catching up for the rest of the night escaping the reality of waking up for work tomorrow. Georgia noticed Walker's eyes flicking up every now and again wandering on Charlotte but she couldn't quite place why. It couldn't be attraction, not this soon after Emily.

"I'm going toilet." Cordell announced standing up from his seat trying to keep his balance leaving Georgia to drink another shot.

Charlotte picked the last couple glasses carefully balancing with already way too many in her hands dedicated to reach the kitchen. She turned on her feet to be knocked over with the glasses onto the floor causing glass to smash all over around her and including underneath her.

"I'm so sorry!" The man apologised offering his hand to help her up. "It's my fault, I was trying to hold way too many at the same time." She responded.

Walker looked down at his hand to see blood trailed on the palm from the girl's cut hand. His eyes widened at the traces of glass embedded against her hand.

"It cut you." He pointed out making her gaze leave him to look at her hand covered in blood. "Oh, it'll be fine." Charlotte assured him.

"Let me help—" Walker began. "No offense but I think you're a tad too drunk to stitch my hand up." The brunette replied with a light laugh.

"What's going on over here, my dudes?" Georgia joined the conversation barely getting her words out. "Yeah, I think you've officially had enough." Charlotte finished taking the glass out of her hand.

Georgia still stood there not realising she was holding thin air. "I can give you both a lift, if you guys can wait till I've got this cleaned up." Charlotte told them.

"Yeah, thank you." Cordell said.

Charlotte grabbed a towel lightly dabbing her hand cleaning the cut before standing up clearing the rest of the tables. She began to wipe down the table until Cordell appeared alongside her helping.

"So, what's your story?" Walker questioned. "I moved here a couple months ago. Something happened and I needed a change otherwise I would've just moped around for the rest of my life and Georgia was nice enough to offer me to stay with her." She answered with a small smile.

"What about you?" Charlotte added. "Urgh, I'm a ranger. I've just come back to town after let's just say a very complicated case. Georgia's my partner, we were both partnered together our first year and have been together ever since." He explained.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. Charlotte Jones." He stated. "Nice to meet you too, Cordell Walker." She replied.

" She replied

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