[2] Back in the Saddle

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Charlotte quietly stood tending noticing a group of guys in the corner being extremely loud disturbing the bar

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Charlotte quietly stood tending noticing a group of guys in the corner being extremely loud disturbing the bar. The brunette walked over in their direction annoyed by the havoc they were causing.

"Can you guys shut up?" Bernie, a regular customer asked. He was a lot older and normally came to the bar after working on his ranch.

One guy stood up and headed over smashing Bernie's beer bottle next to him, leaving the elder man clearly scared.

"What did you say?" The man asked. "Leave him alone." Charlotte spoke.

"No. What you gonna do? Kick me out." He questioned. "I just might if you carry on talking to me and my customers like that." Charlotte responded angrily.

The man gripped hold of Charlotte's hair pulling her back causing her to swing hardly hitting his jaw. The other guys rushed over beginning to attack the girl. Bernie, grabbed his phone quickly.

"I need help." He spoke.

Walker and his new partner Micki Ramirez got out the car heading to investigate the bar.

"What happened?" Ramirez questioned Cordell. "Apparently, a fight. 4v1. The other person is seriously injured but the look of the people at the station. They didn't go down without a good fight." He answered walking in.

His eyes widened at the sight of Charlotte on a chair being examined by a medic. He rushed over to the brunette.

"Charlotte, you got hurt in the fight?" He asked. "She was the fight." Micki told him.

"So, how did this all happen?" They wondered. Walker held some ice up to her cheek for the girl whilst she spoke.

"These guys came in. They started threatening Bernie so I stood up and told them to back off. This main one thought he was big but soon shut up when I chinned him." She explained in pain with her jaw.

Before Cordell could continue Georgia paced into the bar in search for her friend.

"Did you identify any of—" Micki began. "Charlotte! Who the hell did this?" Georgia cut off.

"Excuse me. I was talking?" Ramirez stated. "And now I am. Walker, you didn't think of telling me about this?" Georgia asked.

"I'm not allowed." He admitted. "Why?" She replied. "Because Captain made it official. I'm no longer your partner." He told her.

"Then who's are you?" Georgia argued as he looked up at Micki with a confused look.

"Well, if you're on this case. You better find the son of a bastard who did this to her!" Georgia stated. "We will. Trust me." Walker assured her.

Georgia stormed into Captain James' room in a fit of rage at the fact he had assigned Cordell a new partner.

"How could you give him a new partner? You know how long we've been together for!" She began. "It's time for some change, Rivera." He responded.

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