[3] Bobble Head

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Charlotte and Georgia stood on the fence watching the two horses run about the field

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Charlotte and Georgia stood on the fence watching the two horses run about the field. The pair helped look after the range when Walker was out due to Georgia's closeness with the family. Charlotte didn't know much about what happened to Emily Walker but Georgia had explained somewhat the basics.

"Slovinski isn't moving." Charlotte stated hopping over the fence heading over to the horse.

Slovinski quickly went underneath her standing up so that she was on the horse running about causing the brunette to grin. Walker stood behind Georgia watching the two remembering how close his wife was to the same horse with a small smile.

"You okay?" Georgia asked Walker making him wrap an arm around her. "Yeah, she's a natural." He answered.

"Yeah, she named him Slovinski. Don't ask me why." Georgia replied causing them to laugh.

Charlotte climbed off the horse and headed over to the pair with a massive smile.

"I need to head off, I have to get ready." Charlotte told them. "Get ready? Get ready for what?" Georgia was fast to respond.

"I've got a date." She answered with a nervous smile. "A date?" Walker asked.

"Yeah, maybe we can talk after?" Charlotte finished distantly before she got in her car and was out of sight.

"I don't like the sound of this." Georgia voiced her opinion. "What do we do?" Cordell replied.

"We crash it." Georgia answered as if the answer was that easy. "Are you forgetting we're not partners anymore?" Walker questioned.

"Are you forgetting I don't care?" His friend fired back. "If I do help you, that comes out my free time. Why would I spend it spying on Charlotte's date?" He asked.

"Don't act like you wouldn't want to!" Georgia exclaimed. "So, what if I would?" Cordell argued.

"You can't date my best friend!" Georgia stated. "Why?" Walker said.

"Because you're both my best friends. What if you break up?" Georgia answered. "You don't know that." He returned.

"Hm, we'll see." Georgia finished. "Are you going to help or what?" She continued. "God, sure." He remarked before the two hopped in his car.

The duo peeped around the corner to see Charlotte sat opposite a handsome man.

"I feel bad. He's quite attractive." Georgia spoke. "Get a grip of yourself." Walker stated whacking her hat off.

The two placed themselves down on a table near them hiding their faces with menus. Georgia and Walker leaned in closer towards their table to listen in better.

"What do you do?" He questioned. "I'm a bartender." The brunette replied with a smile.

Walker realised how nice the girl's smile was instantly making him grin before Georgia whacked his side.

"Stay focused!" She whispered. "What about you?" Charlotte asked sipping on her drink.

"I'm an army medic but I've been coaching football since I got back into town." He answered with a smile.

"So, when was your last relationship?" Trey created conversation leaving Charlotte nervous.

"He can't ask that!" Georgia exclaimed. "He just did." Walker stated. "She's gonna have a panic attack. Save her!" Georgia ordered pushing Cordell from his seat.

Walker quickly thought before pulling his handcuffs from his pocket walking over to their table.

"Charlotte Jones? I'm placing you under arrest." Walker spoke. "For what?" She shouted confused yet relieved he was there.

"You have the right to speak but whatever you say will be relied on in court." He continued.

Georgia placed her menu down with a roll of her eyes. "You have got to be kidding me." She said.

Georgia stood up heading over there slamming Charlotte's head against the table.

"If you fail to cooperate anymore, I will have to use force." Georgia said helping Walker out with a side eye at him.

The two dragged the brunette outside leaving the guy on his own completely confused at the table. Once they reached outside Walker and Georgia high fived proudly.

"What the hell, you guys?" Charlotte began. "We saw you panicking. Thank us later." Georgia responded.

"I got anxious but I wasn't panicking. You just ruined a perfectly fine date!" Charlotte argued. "This isn't the reaction I thought we would get." Walker added.

"What did you want me to do? Thank you? Georgia! I understand you are looking out for me after my last relationship but do you not think I wouldn't have gone on this date if I wasn't ready?" The brunette explained.

"I'm sorry." Georgia apologised feeling bad as did Walker. "Save it." Charlotte finished walking away leaving the two confused.

Walker had been sent home due to an emergency so Georgia sat at the bar awaiting Charlotte to do her shift. Instead she was met with Micki which she wasn't complaining about.

"Hey." Micki began. "Hey, Ramirez." Georgia responded with a small smile.

"How you been?" She asked. "Eh, I've been better. You?" Georgia answered.

"The fact you and Walker bailed all day left me to do a case on my own but aside from that great." She directed annoyed at her.

"Join the hating me and Walker club. Charlotte's currently in the lead." She responded.

"Ah, you annoyed Charlotte? That sucks. I guess I'll be nice." Micki stated. "I was just trying to look out for her! Her last relationship was pretty nasty so I watched out for her on her date." Georgia explained.

"You mean spied?" She asked. "Funny, that's what Charlotte called it too." Georgia responded.

"I think you're not ready for Charlotte to date rather than she is." Micki stated. "I just don't want her to get hurt again." Georgia answered.

"This sounds like something you should tell Charlotte." Micki told her. "Thanks, Ramirez." Georgia finished standing up.

"We should talk some more. Surprisingly, I look forward to talking to you." Micki admitted. "Yeah, definitely." She said before heading out.

Charlotte was being guided by Georgia with a blindfold on scared of what the girl had been planned.

Georgia swiped the blindfold of to reveal the bar nicely decorated and a nice neat dinner date table. "Walker, come on! She's mad at you too!" She shouted.

"No!" He responded. "Don't make me drag you out!" Georgia threatened. "Okay, okay. I'm coming." Walker finished.

Walker walked out in a nice tuxedo with a rose clearly unhappy he was forced into this but the fact Charlotte was giggling at everything made his mood a lot happier.

"Pour the wine, light my fire. Girl your wish is my command. I submit to your demands. I will do anything. Girl you need only ask. I'll make love to you. Like you want me to. And I'll hold you tight. Baby all through the night. I'll make love to you. Like you want me to. And I'll hold you tight. Baby all through the night. I'll make love to you. When you want me to. And I will not let go." Georgia sang.

"Georgia!" Walker exclaimed causing Charlotte to laugh. "You can't appreciate a good song when you hear one." Georgia finished walking away.

"If you don't mind me asking. Why is Georgia so protective over you dating?" Cordell asked her.

"My last relationship. He—uh. Something happened to him and he didn't make it." Charlotte answered. "I'm sorry." He apologised.

"No, it's fine. We were just there for each other a lot throughout it all and we saw each other's best and worst moments, I guess." The brunette finished.

"Um, if it means anything. Eleven months ago, I lost my wife." Walker told her. "You don't have to—" She cut off.

"No, I want to. Urm. I know how you feel when it comes to dating. When I look at someone, I'm like. Is this wrong to feel something for them and not her?" He asked.

"It's definitely hard. I mean in a way I feel like I'm cheating if I even think about someone else." Charlotte responded.

The two were that deep in conversation they didn't even realised they were hand in hand over the table staring into each other's eyes. Charlotte started deeply in his eyes as he did as they found themselves getting closer but before anything could happen the door opened

"So, do you forgive us?" Georgia questioned breaking the two away. "Yeah, thanks. I'm going to go home." Charlotte announced standing up heading out.

"Well, that was a very rude thank you. Could've gave me a hug or smiled. Don't you agree?" Georgia questioned Walker. "Yeah." He replied distantly.

"You guys are weird." She finished leaving him sat at the table alone.

" She finished leaving him sat at the table alone

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